Before continuing with our postmortem of 2020, we pause for a moment of art appreciation:
Now then, where were we? Oh yeah, we had just struggled into...

The new coronavirus was spreading, people were dying, and almost nothing made sense anymore. Note that we said "almost" nothing...

"The government is emptying the prisons, spending trillions in make-believe money, and locking up churches while making sure Planned Parenthood stays open," explained Sanders in off-the-record remarks which we might have just imagined. "I keep pinching myself just to be sure this isn't just some kind of wonderful dream!"
As the nation suffered, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, could not be reached for comment because he was busy farting in the bathtub and snapping at the bubbles. Which is why someone else finally had to speak up for him...
This was even harder for him to say than "radical Islam." |
The big moment that virtually no one was waiting for finally happened when Barack "Sorry about using up all the N95 masks and not replacing them" Obama officially endorsed Joe "Where am I?" Biden for President of the United States.
Biden himself was sequestered at home and dividing his time between selecting a female VP candidate ("We need someone with Damn. No, wait! Virginia!") and excitedly trying to catch a bright red dot being projected by a laser pointer scotch-taped to a slow-moving ceiling fan.
Meanwhile, on the plague front, there were some decidedly mixed signals from on high...
With America deep in crisis, even Joe Biden needed to weigh in...

Joe could still talk, which meant he'd be making delightful new gaffes in...

Okay, he only said the part about looking for a "calendar model," which is certainly in no way demeaning when selecting a woman for a professional and critically important job, right? After all, it's not like women need actual
qualifications to get hired, as proved by...

Alleged news network CNN added teen climate pest Greta Thunberg to their "all expert" coronavirus panel on a townhall broadcast, which made a certain kind of Bizarro-world sense considering that the Left (particularly in Nancy Pelosi's $3 trillion "Heroes" Act) had declared that the best way to fight the coronavirus was by discontinuing the use of fossil fuels, giving blanket amnesty to illegal immigrants, establishing a guaranteed minimum income for everyone, forgiving college loans, putting additional bite into racial diversity requirements, and using government funds to help encourage the sale of cannabis in minority communities. And no, we didn't make up
any of that.
Nor did a former Biden staffer appear to be making anything up when she described a particularly heinous sexual assault perpetrated by Gropin' Joe...

The media wasn't shocked in the least by Biden's sexual transgression and, unsurprisingly, simply decided not to talk about it. No, what shocked them was that President Trump was willing to personally demonstrate the safety of a promising and long-used drug for the treatment of Covid-19...
Dihydrogen Monoxide is water. Don't tell the Liberals. |
Hydroxychloroquine, which we'll henceforth refer to as HCQ because this isn't a damn spelling bee, had been villainized by the media, politicians, and even some medical organizations solely because Trump said "it might work." Their narrative was that HCQ couldn't possibly help Covid-19 sufferers and was significantly more dangerous to ingest than drain cleaner.
Which was correct apart from the fact that HCQ actually seemed (and seems) to have very good efficacy for early treatment of Covid-19 and an excellent safety profile. But in the media's eyes, it was better for people to continue dying (and far better to keep the economy crippled) rather than admit that Trump might actually have been right about something.
Plus, railing against HCQ gave the media an excuse not to report on Biden's continuing gaffes...

In an interview speaking with the distinguished African-American journalist "Charlamagne tha God," Joe Biden quipped that "if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
Even for Biden, this was an impressive accomplishment: using only three words, he denied the existence of biological race, suggested that Black Americans were still wholly-owned and controlled by Democratic slavemasters and, just for good measure, used "ain't" because he apparently thought African-Americans were too dumb to understand correct grammar.
Not that this seemed important when the racial feces really hit the fan in...
Race riots and violence swept the nation, provoked (at least in theory) by the death of George Floyd, an African-American who died after having a policeman kneel on his neck and, oh yeah, taking a lethal dose of fentanyl. Still, the narrative (if not the facts nor the autopsy) was that Floyd was murdered by the police and so widespread carnage should ensue in the streets to help the nation heal.
Most of the rioting was perpetrated by antifa-style terrorists, emboldened by previous spasms of destruction that not only went unchecked and unpunished but were actively praised by left-leaning media. Which is why the rioting went on and on...
Desperate to prevent even a single future case of police malfeasance (real or imagined) liberals called to "defund the police" and replace them with unarmed Rapid Response Social Workers...
But even a pandemic and burning cities couldn't slow down the political juggernaut of Basement Joe Biden's political momentum...
With Biden's candidacy assured, Democrats could again turn their attention to the critical national business of fanning the flames of racial discord...
It's official: "cultural appropriation" now only applies to sombreros. |
To show their support for George Floyd and, apparently,
their African heritage, Democrats solemnly pretended to kneel on a black neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Which brought the
total time they'd been kneeling on black necks to about 100 years, 8 minutes, and 46 seconds.
And since the Left was so clearly supportive of their ongoing violence, armed rioters just started claiming entire neighborhoods as their own...

The freshly-formed principality of CHAZ (the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), ruled by a local rapper, erected border walls to keep out police - which was unnecessary since the police were ordered not to interfere with the "Summer of Love" revolution. Secure in their redoubt, the BLM/Antifa occupiers divided their time between demanding that all land be seized for communal farming, and begging for donations of food that someone else had worked to produce.
At which point, the nation's handbasket to Hell really started picking up speed...
Yet more outrage and rioting erupted after the police shooting of African-American Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta. Despite headlines saying "Police Kill Black Man For Being Asleep at Wendy's," officers actually used deadly force only after Brooks failed a breathalyzer test, violently assaulted the cops, wrestled them to the ground, stole a taser, ran...and then turned to fire a potentially lethal taser shot at a policeman's face. The officer was unamused.
Rioters subsequently burned down the nearby Wendy's restaurant to show how much they detest violence. And with Brooks' death being wildly misrepresented by the media (and, oh yeah, businesses being burned to the ground), corporate America decided that racial self-flagellation might be a good survival tactic...
But even this failed to placate the rioters, who upped their game by bravely attacking statues...

The war on historical statues of any kind clarified that the ongoing riots weren't really about race at all (indeed, most of the rioters were privileged white liberals) but were instead a radical push for anarchy and Marxism. And, not coincidentally, making the country look bad as another inducement to get rid of President Trump.
Across the country, police were being villainized, defunded, and ordered to stand down. Oddly, this did not seem to make the streets safer in...
Reliable idiot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tried to explain away a skyrocketing wave of violent crime by claiming #BreadLoavesMatter, while ignoring New York City's defunding of police and the city's new "catch and release" policies which immediately returned criminals to the streets.
Unquestionably, it was time for real societal change and strong, meaningful measures. Like this one, for instance...

Finally, the nation knew that George Floyd did not die in vain. Oh sure, in the wake of his self-induced death there had been hundreds of businesses burned to the ground, dozens of monuments defaced, tens of millions of dollars in property damage, multiple murders, a skyrocketing increase in crime, and greater racial animosity dividing the nation than we'd seen in half a century.
But it was all worth it, because the Associated Press changed their internal style guide to
always capitalize the word "Black" when used in the context of race and culture. The AP also announced that they won't be doing the same for the word "white" because "white doesn't represent a
shared culture and history in the way Black does."
Joe Biden, however, was still seeking out people who
did have a shared culture and history to beg for their support...
In another basement broadcast, Joe
addressed a group of 3,000 people during a Muslim American Advocacy event, speaking passionately about Islamaphobia, the need for a Palestinian state ("Maybe Idaho"), and the enormous contributions of Muslims in fighting the coronavirus pandemic - presumably by having ordered their women to keep their faces covered for a thousand years.
But Biden's outreach couldn't quell the nation's ongoing tension when three more African-Americans were semi-tragically shot without cause...
Coincidentally, they're also the "Not F*cking Clear On Covering Your Damn Noses" Coalition. |
Tragedy rocked Louisville, Kentucky when three members of the BLM-supporting militia group, the "Not F*cking Around Coalition," were
shot by one of their own members who was apparently just screwing around with his gun. Debate subsequently raged about whether the shooter should be charged with any crimes or simply receive a special commendation for public service.
But any hope arising from this incident was quickly dashed in...
As massive recreational looting and violence continued in lawless hellholes like Chicago, Black Lives Matter "spokesperson-of-color-with-a-uterus," Ariel Atkins (seen above), declared that
the smash and grab thefts were actually "reparations," and that "anything (the rioters) want to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance."
Which suggested that Ms. Atkins had
no idea whatsoever how insurance works or who ends up paying for it, which should have put her solidly in the running for Clueless Joe's vice-presidential "any damn woman of color" nomination. But Joe was determined to make an even worse choice...

Kamala Harris got the nod for VP candidate, despite having called Joe Biden a segregationist and sexual predator, having the most radically Leftist voting record in Congress, and having been the first primary candidate in the 2020 cycle to be rejected by Democrats - who she subsequently accused of being racists and misogynists. But on the plus side, the Indian/Jamaican Senator was vaguely black-ish.
With the top of the ticket determined, all Biden needed was solid advice from a proven winner...

Hillary Clinton counseled Joe Biden to
not concede the election "under any circumstances," even if he got his ass handed to him by the voters ("Hey look," Joe would say, "It's my elbow!").
In other words, Hillary dropped any pretense that she believed (or had ever believed) that our nation's leadership should be determined by voters. Rather, she openly advocated a different system in which political machinations, power, money, and corrupt courts would replace the expressed wishes of America's pesky peasant class. In literary terms, this is called "foreshadowing."
Meanwhile, Joe Biden and President Trump continued campaigning, with Trump holding rallies for tens of thousands of enthusiastic voters, and Biden occasionally coming up from his basement to speak outdoors in front of up to a dozen distantly-parked rental cars. This same level of excitement, dynamism, and energy was subsequently reflected in the Democrat and Republican national conventions...

For those who didn't experience either fireworks display, just imagine the difference between a wet fart and the 1812 Overture. Of course, even a wet fart can be powerful if it stinks badly enough - as we'll explore in the next installment of 2020: A Year In Rebuke.
The one good thing about the Not F***ing Around Coalition and their ilk is that they line up in nice neat lines. Sort of like the Redcoats used to do. At least until a shot is fired; then they scatter like scared rabbits...
Somehow, I think 2021 is going to be about as welcome as a wet fart. Just sayin'.
"Wet Ass Fart" (WAF) should be the motto of the DNC. The heraldic design would be a sight to behold.
Re: AOC. There appears to be buzz she is now considering herself so important that she's going to take a shot at Schumer in 2022. Now that'll be interesting.
Another zinger, Stilt. Thanks for all that you do!
I have posted a link on my Facebook Page. That otta really upset the "Fact-"checkers.
When you are on Facebook, be sure to look for my "Hillary Clinton Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card.
Nicely done Stilt!
These are all GREAT! Happy New Year Stilton!
Biden is the Loan Arranger and his side kick Tainted-Hoe deserve nothing but the best prison cell available.
@Stilton, your "My goals are already accomplished" cartoon was one of the best of the year. But I am puzzled by your new website that appears to be inaccessible, StiltonsPlace.DOM?
Greta & CNN: Another great example of Progressive media beclownment. Hey, our credibility is already in the toilet, so let's go ahead and invite that high-school dropout to pontificate on a topic that she knows even less about than the one she knows almost nothing about! After all, if she can literally see CO2 in the air, she certainly can see the Corona Virus! Imagine how safe we'll be!
And notice how no matter what the crisis is the Progressive solutions are always the same, regardless of if that problem is climate change, a global pandemic, or rioting in the streets? I have little doubt that if my sewer line were to clog and I were somehow able to find a Democrat plumber, their suggestion for a solution to the problem would discontinuing the use of fossil fuels, giving blanket amnesty to illegal immigrants, establishing a guaranteed minimum income for everyone, forgiving college loans, putting additional bite into racial diversity requirements, and using government funds to help encourage the sale of cannabis in minority communities.
Biden's #MeToo Problem: Funny how that just disappeared. Having the memory of a late-stage Alzheimer's victim is today a prerequisite for being a Democrat. Once again proving that there are two very distinct standards for Democrats and everyone else. #AnimalFarm
Hydroxychloroquine: Since I am not a doctor nor pretend to be, I'm still not convinced that Hydroxychloroquine is the cure-all that Trump thinks it is. But I do know that it's not a toxic elixir of death since it's lesser-form of quinine is literally consumed in soft drinks in other parts of the world. But I really do wish that Trump had advocated the consumption of dihydrogen monoxide just to watch Democrats reflexively condemn people drinking tap water.
Biden's Plantation: If anything should have triggered the "Blaxit" movement, that was it. Not mentioned in the mainstream media is that Trump got more of the non-white vote than any GOP candidate in generations, and no doubt this was a large reason why. What is sad are those who choose to remain in desperate hopes that the Democrats will deliver on more than the crumbs that they've been promised for generations.
In the meantime, when people ask who I voted for, I say "I voted against the racist".
Engineered Riots: The fact that the left always finds itself limited to seriously screwed up people as their martyrs for social injustice really tells you the opposite of the narrative that they are selling: That America is truly a great country. People who embrace traditional American middle-class values rarely end up like George Floyd, regardless of race.
Pandering on Steroids: That picture of Pelosi and her puppets kneeling can't be published enough. That should have only accelerated the Blexit movement. Their respect for the people they think they're buying votes for isn't all that much more than that they have for "the deplorables".
Summer of Love: Because who doesn't dream of living in a community run by gangsta rappers?
Atlanta Shooting: Again, the fact that the left always finds itself limited to seriously screwed up people as their martyrs for social injustice really tells you the opposite of the narrative that they are selling...
Since freedom of speech is now no longer a thing in America, I propose a law that says that no one can criticize a police shooting unless they are there to deal with crazy, drugged & armed criminals attempting to kill you.
Appeasement: When will people learn that appeasement only buys you a little time and nothing more? Regardless of if it's a corporate name or statue you are willing to sacrifice, the fact that you fold so easily just confirms to these bullies that you are an easy mark and they'll eventually be back for more. Much more.
AOC: Her 15 minutes may be up. Progressives are happy to sign on to Progressive agenda insanity as long as the consequences don't personally affect them. But as her district eventually becomes uninhabitable, things will change.
Lawless hellholes like Chicago: Another fine example of why public schools in Chicago should remain closed. Quite frankly, I don't see how not wasting the billions of dollars that they do on public education would be any worse than the work product we've been seeing over the last year. And the teachers union there has already declared that they're "non-essential" anyway, so just fire them all and be done with it.
Hillary's Advice: I've been having fun with my Progressive friends who lament that Trump hasn't surrendered. I just respond that he's simply following Hillary's advice.
2020 recaps, both one and two —-WONDERFUL!
Thank you, Stilton.
Happy New Year anyway you guys!!
He Shoots, He Scores! 3 pointer! Nothing but Net!
For those of you too young to remember, there used to be a sport, called "Basketball"....
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