Friday, July 5, 2024

Flight Risk

The nation was recently shocked by Joe Biden's debate performance and the realization that his empty head and gaping maw are likely not useful for anything other than becoming a Section 8 beehive. However, it now seems that we have again been fooled by our lyin' eyes and that there was a perfectly valid reason for Joe's performance. In fact, we're now hearing lots of reasons from very authoritative sources!

We can start with the assertion that Biden was suffering from a cold that evening. Granted, colds don't usually turn people into zombies with glazed eyes, but Dr. Anthony "Mass Murdering Sonofabitch" Fauci declared that Biden was probably just high on cough medicine. Especially if he found it in Hunter's medicine cabinet.

Many Biden staffers are attributing the Hindenburg-sized debate disaster to jet lag, which is well known to turn healthy people into shambling, clueless mental patients. This theory is bolstered by the fact that Biden had recently flown overseas to be embarrassing in front of the G7 folks, and only had a fleeting 12 days to recover.

Biden himself claims his problem was a lack of sleep and jokes that "I almost fell asleep up there." Yeah, Joe - you just looked sleepy. But to avoid such difficulties in the future, Biden has announced that he will no longer stay up after 8 o'clock. Unless a really good episode of "Matlock" is on TV.

Personally, I think Joe was simply being clever about alternately mumbling or letting his mouth hang open like the door of a cuckoo clock so that the people who put those wonderful "Bad Lip Reading" videos on Youtube wouldn't have anything to work with. 

But whichever explanation proves to be right, we can all be absolutely sure that Joe Biden is still just as mentally fit as he was the day he was sworn in. God help us.


I continue to experiment with AI, songwriting, and video in order to keep my brain supple and free from age-related jet lag.

For a couple of decades, I had a cute hook for a country song bouncing around in my head and I finally wrote it up, used AI to generate the music (and a semi-realistic looking singer), and was pretty happy with the final product. Although a bit of that feeling faded when my brother pointed out that country legend George Jones had recorded a hit with the same bit of wordplay eons ago. Oops.

But the song is still a fun one (especially compared to the George Jones version) and I hope you'll enjoy it!


Brie Camembert said...

Unfortunately, no amount of spin can put the toothpaste back in the tube. The emperor has no clothes!
Harris/Candidate X 24

Fish Out of Water said...

Lefty Lucy has been quite silent over the past 3 or so years. She too is dumbfounded?

Fish Out of Water said...

Oh, and speaking of spin, and how desperate those doing the spinning are for Joe le Petomane, for those who missed this in July 3rd edition of the WSJ:

"President Biden is like Yoda—old and frail yet wise and influential—whereas Donald Trump is like Jabba the Hutt, a gluttonous and powerful gangster."

I haven't had much to laugh at of late, but this did make the jaw drop, followed by laughter.

Alan said...

George Jones doesn't have to worry about that singer filling his shoes. And Biden is probably tired. He's been extremely busy trying to lower our gas prices at the pump by selling our strategic oil reserves to China and India. You see, if we have less oil, it will cost less under his plan. He's redefining the rules of supply and demand. Only a Democrat politican is able to do that. Scratch Democrat, they all try to do that. Politicians in general hate us. Life would be so much simpler for them if they didn't have to pander to us for votes. They're working on eliminating that small obstacle by reminding us constantly to get a Covid booster shot.

Oldarmourer said...

Wasn't there a little discussion about taking a certain 3AM phone call as President a few elections ago ?
Might be time that got revisited....

Rod said...

Move to Nashville Stilt... you've got the songs for it.

She’s A Beauty said...

Sure do miss the Stilt cartoons! Maybe make the AI stuff
an occasional "special feature"? And a 4th of July without
Busty??? Pure blasphemy!

Colby Muenster said...

I haven't looked up the George Jones version, but no way it can be better than yours!

It's become pretty obvious the DNC is not going to let Joe be their candidate. My prediction is Kamala (so they can still spend the cam-pain funds), and either pretty pretty Gavin, or Gretch the Wretch. I don't think Mooch would do it... too obvious. Plus Mooch has it made sitting around one of many mansions sipping expensive wine and prolly smoking righteous weed.

I wonder if there is some other influence on the current, slightly lower gasoline prices. I'd think draining the reserves would lower prices, but not for long. Is the regime bringing in oil from Iran? Venezuela?

MiamiSean said...

Your foray into AI is getting better and better! I enjoyed that little song, and there were no extra hands or anything.

VideomanSS said...

The right left hand is out of the question for this 83 year old. To old and to broke. :-) Spent it all on taking care of my wife which was worth it. Only problem is most places won't hire an 83 year old that is on O2 24/7. But, life goes on and so do I ... so far... :-)

American Cowboy said...

Price of gasoline?

Let's see if I can do the math the way the pResident Potato-head's regime would do it.

If you had 10,000,000 barrels of oil at $87.00 per barrel to refine into gasoline that cost would be $870,000,000. If you sell half to Iran and China you take in $435,000,000. You pocket your 10% to the Big Guy ($43,500,000) leaving you with a net of $391,500,000. Now due to a shortfall of barrels of oil to refine into gasoline you get a price per barrel increase, let's say it goes up to $100.00 per barrel. So you buy your 5,000,000 barrels available at $100.00 per barrel for a cost of $500,000,000. Now remember you sold oil and received $435,000,00 so you only have to add $40,000,000 extra to get your 5,000,000 barrels of oil. Then you go on T.V. via your brillo-headed chimney sweep liar and claim, "pResident Potato-head just saved this country $830,000,000 buy only spending $40,000,000 for 5,000,000 barrels of refinable oil instead of the $870,000,000 he could have spent."

Dang, I should go to work of the GAO!

American Cowboy said...

My spelling also fits well this morning with some government job.

TrickyRicky said...

Great song Stilton! I must say the young fella sure has some attractive women in his neighborhood.

As for Biden....barf.

Lee The Voice said...

Put it out. I'd sure play it on the radio.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Brie Camembert- I don't think anyone can honestly believe that Joe is still mentally fit, although I don't think it matters anymore (if it ever did) to the Trump haters.

@Fish Out of Water- I agree that it's been too long. Both Lucy and Busty need to come back from hiatus!

@Alan- Who knew that the strategic oil reserves would be used solely for political strategy?

@Oldarmourer- Bingo! I was thinking about that too but wasn't sure how many would remember it.

@Rod- I'm pretty sure that Nashville has plenty of songwriters already!

@She's A Beauty- I agree in all regards. The purpose of this blog hasn't changed even if lately it seems to be about AI song experimentation. I don't kid myself that I'm doing anyone a favor by posting those, but sometimes I just want to say "hi" to everyone and let them know I'm not dead, so that's just a handy thing to post. I'd like to be doing more cartoons of the classic sort but still haven't developed a thick enough skin to really immerse myself in the news after losing my wife, Kathy. I get too angry too fast and have trouble shaking it off. But I'm working on it!

And what the heck was I thinking when leaving Busty Ross out of the 4th of July?! Can I blame it on jet lag?

@Colby Muenster- I hadn't expected it to be as complicated to replace Joe as it now appears to be. So at the very least, Kamala will be on the ticket. I wouldn't be surprised if the Dems change their strategy and ask voters to cast their ballots for Joe with the understanding that he'll immediately step down and give the job to Kamala.

@MiamiSean- Most of the music video is good old stock footage of human beings. Much of AI video is still disturbing.

@VideomanSS- I found the right left hand, too. Sigh. I don't think there are many places that would hire this almost-72-year-old either, though later today I'm starting a position as a volunteer at a local museum. As a docent, not an exhibit.

@American Cowboy- That is some darn fancy number crunching!

@TrickyRicky- I agree that the pickings look pretty good wherever that guy lives!

@Lee The Voice- Thank you, sir! Putting the song "out" in any meaningful way isn't really in my skill set. Just for starters, you need an agent. And I'm guessing they're currently drowning in inquiries from people playing with AI. So for now, I'm just enjoying posting songs on Youtube and seeing them get some views.

JustaJeepGuy said...

From the Philly news article:

"During a meeting with Democratic governors, sources tell ABC News Biden said he needs to get more sleep and work fewer hours, suggesting he shouldn't schedule anything after 8 p.m."

Gropey Joe work fewer hours? HOW?? Do we get to ask the world for no emergencies during Gropey Joe's nap time? Do the Demo_Rats really think this is a good look?

The Babylon Bee says Gropey Joe is jet-lagged from when he drove those 18-wheelers during the '60s. He might believe it, too. We're doomed!!!!

Shelly said...

You know when the excuses pile up and keep on changing that some lying is being done here. I, for one, am thoroughly enjoying this Democrat meltdown, not just because of Poop for Brains but the awesome SCOTUS decisions. The hysteria is quite comical and so gratifying for me. It's like when you have this persistent itch on your back you can't quite reach and it is driving you crazy, and then get a good back scratch. Aaaaaah!

Anonymous said...

I think Trump should included the excellent work Kamelface Harris has performed for the USA as vp. How the border is so much better after she fixed the root cause of migrants crossing by the millions.

Her speaking eloquence is superb as she giggles her way through a subject she knows nothing about. And, all the carbon she brought to the world for her trips to our southern border and neighbors farther south to let them know the border is closed. Fortunately for all, she’s never been to Europe either

Trump: Let Americans know a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamelface to be President.

Stilton, I am a docent volunteer at a museum and seriously enjoy meeting folks and conversing with them. I find great enjoyment for doing so and to meet interesting visitors. l hope you find being a docent equally enjoyable.

Bobo in Phx.

Mike said...

I heard they were planning a memo "Please no invasions outside of 10 to 4 EST.

Colby Muenster said...

@American Cowboy,

Careful! You might end up getting offered a spin doctor job with the DNC!


The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced the Dems will attempt to drag old Joe across the finish line for four reasons. 1) Stop Trump from ruining their progressive agenda, 2) get Hunter a pardon, 3) history will say Joe got elected to consecutive terms, and 4) the ballots with Joe as the winner have already been printed and hidden away in suitcases.

The problem is (well, one of the problems) Joe's 36% approval rating. They are going to have to cheat like they never cheated before.

Oldarmourer said...

kameltoe will be the replacement simply for the campaign funds she could use, unless they change the law, which they most assuredly will do before the next election. There's no way the party would ever round up that much money again.
There is a sure way to get more though...watching roundheels and Trump debate would be a pay-per-view event.

Oldarmourer said...

I'm beginning to think bye-then is screwing things up deliberately so he can retire early...he has to be...introducing the President of Ukraine to NATO as...'President Putin'...that HAD to be deliberate.

JustaJeepGuy said...

I didn't watch the "big boy" press conference. I don't know how it turned out. I still say the Demo_Rats will try the 22nd Amendment maneuver to keep President Trump out of the White House. They're getting desperate; they might be desperate enough in just a few weeks.

Oldarmourer said...

You mean admit that they cheated and Trump was the real winner in 2020 ?
They're just desperate enough to try it...or the Kennedy solution.
Of course his VP and/or successor might still go after the truth and sink them can only hope.
Then we'll see what happens if 'bama is declared to not be a 'natural born' citizen

Oldarmourer said...

They don’t even have to force bye-then to quit…
All they need to do is rig his teleprompter to pop up with:
“I hereby immediately and irrevocably resign the Office of President”
Of course he’d bugger up reading it and end up preemptively firing kameltoe but that works too.

JustaJeepGuy said...

@Oldarmourer, they won't ever, ever, under any circumstances admit they cheated. They're just evil enough to try anything to keep President Trump out of the White House. There are reasons I haven't voted for any Demo_Rat for any office in over 40 years. The Demo_Rats are evil. And communists. And evil communists have never done anything good.

Oldarmourer said...

Agreed, they'd say someone else cheated 'without their knowledge' and they were the ones taken advantage of but Trump actually won in 2022 so he can't run again in 2024...

Sir Walter Scott had it right.

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive"

"One or two of these scoundrel statesmen should be shot once a-year, just to keep the others on their good behavior."

Oldarmourer said...

Hmmm didn't expect them to implement the 'Kennedy solution' until after the DNC...
guess bye-then's worse off thaan we thought.

Funny though, I'd have thought they'd know how the SS works or at least controlled who was with Trump today...
guess the dems should do less complaining about guns and more practicing...of course this will be their pre-planned excuse to start confiscating them...

JustaJeepGuy said...

Well, "they" didn't get the job done yesterday; there's still the 22nd Amendment Solution...

Is it just me or was there something very wrong when witnesses saw the attempted assassin crawling up the roof for several minutes and they told police about him but nobody did anything?

Oldarmourer said...

Nope, nothing 'wrong, everything went as planned...until Trump turned his head for the lucky miss and then immediately dropped to the ground at the first shot as vip's are taught to do, despite the SS 'agents' trying to hold him up and the girl even ducking to open him up for a clearer follow up shot...There'll be a little something extra in her next paycheque but I wouldn't open it if I were her.

Oldarmourer said...

It just occured to me that bye-then is probably next.
Taking out Trump then bye-then to pass it off as ‘retaliation by the right’ would solve two of the dnc’s problems at once…and even with Trump not going down as planned, the ‘retaliation’ bit still works for them and there’s always a ‘retaliation for the retaliation’, all carried out with AR’s so kameltoe’s pre-written confiscation order can go out as soon as possible…even better for them would be if she was standing beside the *resident, a trifecta of terror so the people would ‘back’ said confiscation, never mind that nobody asked them, and clear the way for a cancelled election and martial law.

Are they that evil ? If I can think of it now they probably already did long ago.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Readers- I'm shocked by the attempt on Trump's life and wish I could also say I'm surprised. But I'm not - the Left has been encouraging someone to kill Trump all along. Today, their only regret will be the near miss.

Gee M said...

The shots were aimed at DJT, but they killed the Demorat's chances and Biden is fried poo poo. Every time they said Trump is destroying America rhetoric will be played ad Nauseum in ads, etc. Wow...I was 13 when they killed JFK...this infuriates me like I was sad then...a lot!!!