Friday, May 24, 2019

Speaker of the (Mad) House

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, trump, pelosi, infrastructure, impeachment, bitch, grinder

Despite competition from young Democrat upstarts in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi has forcefully and successfully reclaimed the title of "Most Vile Woman in Washington."

We say this based on the little dog-and-pony show she staged with Chuck "Does Scowling Make Me Look Smart?" Schumer rather than getting the nation's business done. They were supposed to take a meeting with President Trump to discuss a spending plan to rebuild our nation's crumbling infrastructure (an idea with broad bipartisan support), but immediately beforehand, Nancy attended a well-publicized meeting with other foaming-at-the-mouth Democrats to discuss impeaching the President.

After which she paused on her way to the White House to tell reporters that Trump was engaged in a cover-up because his staff is no longer responding to the unending subpoenas from Jerry "Look, I Can Bite My Belt Buckle" Nadler for private documents, financial information, and testimony related to, well, nothing.

Understandably, once the meeting commenced it only took Trump three minutes to show Nancy and Chuck the door, after which he told the press that the Democrats can investigate him or work with him, but not both at the same time. Which sounds reasonable to us.

Pelosi had her own version of events, later saying/slurring: "Thomas Jefferson tasked his Secretary of the Treasure to put forth an infrastructure proposal, initiative for the country. It would follow the Lewis and Clark expedition (trivia note: Pelosi still has a dress in her closet with Clark's DNA on it), the Louisiana purchase, it would be about the Erie Canal, the Cumberland road, things like that to build in America.

For some reason, maybe it was lack of confidence on this part, that he really couldn't match the greatness of the challenge that we have, he just took a pass. And it just makes me wonder why he did that."
Yeah, it's a puzzler alright.

It was at this point that the contents of Nancy's flask really kicked in, and she started opining that Trump is really angry because he wants to be impeached, but Nancy won't accommodate his bizarre wish because it would be "a very divisive place to go in our country." Presumably, even if we took the Cumberland road.

Instead, she suggests that the clearly disturbed Trump take a "leave of absence," or that "his family or his staff should have an intervention for the good of the country."

Keep this nonsense up, Democrats, and you will by God get an intervention for the good of the country.


After reflecting on Speaker Pelosi's inflammatory rhetoric and the Democrats' unceasing harassment of the President (with plenty of help from mainstream media), the only way we could regain emotional equilibrium was by watching this video of things being crushed into pulp by a powerful industrial grinder.

But what made this so particularly pleasing is that we just learned that President Trump has ordered all intelligence agencies to fully cooperate with Barr's investigation into the fake Russian collusion accusations...AND given Barr the personal authority to declassify any and all documents related to the case.

In other words, some very big names may soon be going into Barr's grinder.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

America's Creepiest Uncle

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, joe biden, groping, child, molester, tickles the clown, crawlspace
"Like my cologne? It's called chloroform."
We've got to be honest with you - today's news just looked like more slices of the same stale, mold-covered white bread that the media keeps feeding us while saying that penicillin is good for us.

But rather than leave this valuable space blank today, we thought we'd share the photo above which can't possibly have a legitimate explanation. We're not sure if Biden is whispering a threat or just getting wood while trying to suck out a helpless child's eyeball, but we find this image pretty darn disturbing.

Of course, some people (including a plurality of Democrats) may have other opinions...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, joe biden, groping, child, molester, tickles the clown, crawlspace
FINALLY some shovel-ready jobs!
And as long as we're going down this road, last night we were perusing some amusing vintage ads from days gone by and found this one which immediately made us think of Biden and his young victim...

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Our Crap Runneth Over

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