Wednesday, July 17, 2019

VP Phone Home

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, biden, obama, campaign, like it, keep it
"And wear a dorky helmet while riding a bike."
In Joe Biden's increasingly desperate bid to associate himself with Barack Obama in the public's mind, he recently trotted out a comment which is - even for Joe - jaw-droppingly stupid.

At a candidate's forum on Monday, the former Veep said of his "new" healthcare proposition that "if you like your healthcare plan, your employer-based plan, you can keep it. If you like your private insurance, you can keep it."

This is almost word for word what Obama said just before making it illegal for millions of Americans to keep their health care plans and, in some cases, quadrupling their insurance costs. Obama's oft-repeated promise is widely regarded as the lyingest lie told in eight solid years of lying. It probably has its own entry in the Guinness World Record Book of Lies and will likely never be bested.

Although it's entirely possible that Slidin' Biden (whose poll numbers keep dropping) is tone deaf enough not to realize his choice of words was salting a national wound, we prefer to think that Obama himself is secretly giving Biden hilariously bad advice on running for President and wondering when Joe will finally catch on to the joke.

We're guessing it may be when Barry arranges for Bill Ayers to drive Uncle Joe to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church for the annual 9/11 "Chickens Come Home to Roost" sermon.


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, trump, tweet, squad, go back, tlaib, omar, AOC


Those of you who've been here since the Hope n' Change days will likely remember frequent commenter Jim Hlavac. He's in a pretty tough situation just now with life-threatening illness and can use our help.

He needs to fly back to the United States from Mazatlan (it's a long but interesting story) to get medical care, and a very modest ($1000 total) Gofundme page has been set up to assist in covering his travel costs. Even small donations will make a difference and be much appreciated!

Click here to help out one of our own!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Direct Current Events

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, AOC, Trump, Omar, blackout, Area 51

To paraphrase Robert Mueller, if we had confidence that AOC clearly did not blow out the power in Manhattan with a fork, we would have said so. And just for the moment, we want to savor the mental image of a befuddled, soot-faced Cortez sitting flat-ass on the carpet, staring at the still-smoking fork in her hand, and asking "Wha' happened?"

Which is also our reaction to the current news cycle, about which we'll give our quick takes:

• Rep Ilhan Omar declares herself to be more patriotic than American-born citizens.
That's really an offensive and outrageous statement and someone should do something about it...

• Trump tweets that Ilhan Omar should go back to Africa. *

We're not sure that's the "something" we were referring to, but for now we'll take it.

500,000 people plan to storm Area 51.

They want to prove the government is concealing alien technologies like death rays and disintegrator beams, but clearly haven't thought through just how that might play out.

• Chuck Schumer attacks Donald Trump over Jim Acosta's handling of Clinton friend Jeffrey Epstein.

To which we say, "Oh, STFU Chuck." On a side note, if serial pedophile Epstein really has been arranging for the rich and powerful to engage in underage sex, we hope ALL of them get revealed and thrown in the hoosegow.

• Armed idiot who attacked immigrant detention center with gun and fire bombs is shot dead by police.

The 69-year-old social activist, perhaps inspired by an anti-ICE demonstration hours before, was attempting to set fire to detention center buildings and vehicles, but failed to ignite a propane tank bomb before being riddled with bullets from four police officers. Flames he had started were quickly extinguished - presumably using water from the toilets of thirsty immigrants.


* CORRECTION: We got duped on the Trump tweet because so many "news" outlets were reporting that he tweeted "go back to Africa." Here's what he actually tweeted about legislators who have huge problems with our country: "Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came - then come back and show us how."

Friday, July 12, 2019

Missing Inaction

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, diverticulitis

Actually, we've improved quite a bit but not quite enough to do a real post today. We'll do our best to keep up with you in the comments, though!