So far, it seems that President Trump is doing a great job on his Middle East tour, striking deals on commerce and international security, as well as projecting an unapologetic aura of (trigger warning to snowflakes!) manliness that we haven't seen in the White House for a long time.
For instance, the Saudis invited Trump to participate in their traditional "sword bouncing" dance, an activity so hilariously phallic that it would make Anthony Weiner blush. This in marked contrast to Obama's first visit to the Middle East, during which he bowed before every turban-topped head and was then told to stand with the women while holding a cat in front of his private regions ("Trust us, it's traditional," the potentates giggled).
And there's a lot more testosterone in the President's statements overseas than we saw previously. Obama, as we painfully recall, basically declared that Islam created everything good about Western civilization, and that the evil, moronic, Bible-clutching simpletons of the United States of America then screwed it all up. And regarding terror, Obama basically stuck to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's assessment that we were to blame for "America's chickens coming home to roost."
Trump is taking a different approach to terror, telling the Muslim world: "Religious leaders must make this absolutely clear: barbarism will deliver you no glory - piety to evil will bring you no dignity. If you choose the path of terror, you life will be empty, your life will be brief, and your soul will be condemned."
Admit it, you can't imagine those words coming out of Barry. While you don't have to imagine that he actually declared, following the terrorists' slaughter of our people in Benghazi, "the future must not belong to those who would slander the prophet of Islam."
There may be those who complain that there's too much of a men's locker room atmosphere surrounding Trump...but to us, it smells like fresh air.
(Thursday, April 9, 2009) The White House now denies that Obama bowed down to the Saudi King, despite video and photos to the contrary. They say that "the president is taller than the King, so he had to bend to shake hands." Here's a hint, Mr. president - when they're looking down on the back of your head, you're bending over too far. And too willingly.
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It looks like Obama was eager to blow...a diplomatic opportunity. |
Nice to have an ADULT in charge again.
To use the term somewhat loosely...
I always thought Obama was inspecting crotches. President Trump is kicking ash and taking names and the democrats are going nutty which reminds me, I read a nice nickname for McCain today: McCain the Insane. Very appropriate.
Now now, James. I'm sure Obama was just demonstrating his "flexibility" skills he loves to brag about.
Guessing Moo-chelle would have been the one waggling a "sword."
It's so refreshing to have a real man back in the White House again. Besides Reagan, President Trump is the best president since Teddy Roosevelt. And speaking of flexibility, obama's so flexible that he he can shove his own head up his own ass.
An astute person whose name escapes me opined, "It takes a Carter to get a Reagan." We had our Carter in SPADES!
Actually, Trump did bow to King Salman. Just enough so that the King could place the Collar of Abdulaziz al-Saud around his neck. That gold medal is the highest honor given to a foreign dignitary.
A far cry from Øbitchboy's grovelling.
"Duck," not "bow." Salman would have had to chest-bump Trump to put the chain over Trumps' head otherwise. Olympic medal winners are not "bowing" when they receive their medals. Common courtesy.
@James Daily, McCain the insane is very good. But since his Presidential run I've thought of Sen. McCain more as Senator Palpatine. While there's an undeniable aspect of randomness in his actions that may suggest insanity, the underlying motivation for his actions seems much more sinister to me.
@Lost_Dog apt comparison. But, I think you give him too much credit. We in the midwest determined he was a Judas goat at the first - he was only run to get Øbama through the door.
I'm waiting to see the Democrats and the MSM that are running around and around the Trump tree turn into melted pools of butter. Or melted piles of shit, since they are already pretty much that; just not melted...
So far, I have few things I can say are disappointing about Trump sitting in the seat he's sitting in. I wish him well, and I wish him GREAT success with his agenda to fundamentally transform the country BACK to its prosperous, successful, and somewhat more sane roots...
i can only surmise that all of you childish McCain name callers/haters voted for obama.
do you folks have any idea how idiotic it has become after all these years? yes, he lost the election. he won the primary. therefore it is easy to realize that many- most- of the Republican party supported him.
please grow up and stop ruining Stilton's Place with your childishness. for all of his flaws, John McCain (USN Captain (retired), sitting Senator, Presidential candidate, fighter pilot with multiple awards for valor), is a better man than you name calling juveniles.
(maybe you actually are obama/clinton supporters. in that case your childishness makes sense.)
The fun part about the "sword bouncing" dance was imagining feminist heads exploding as they try to reconcile their love with multiculturalism with the optics of this. The 2nd amusing notion was imagining watching Obama do this. No doubt they would have provided him with a limp, rubber sword, just to be safe.
Having never been a big fan of the Saudis (where the financing for 911 and global jihad largely comes from) I do have to admit to a certain degree of schadenfreude considering their current plight; The rise of ISIS, the growing threat of a belligerent and soon-to-be nuclear Iran (largely made possible by Obama) and tanked global oil prices due to the shale revolution in the US. Under Obama, they had little need to change their tune on global affairs. But today, their future is far less rosy, being squeezed both politically and economically. I honestly question how many years the House of Saud has left.
@jlw - And I am guessing you still think Jane Fonda has been treated unfairly?
Some us do not forget.
If they had goats off camera in front of the sauds, what you saw was a MATING ritual.
Also, when lamont is in the presence of mooselim men, the back of his head is ALL they ever see... so it was natural for him to "assume the position"!
Re: McCain. Regardless of if you think he was some kind of war hero or a traitor for his radio address in which he denounced the United States in exchange for favoritism in the POW camp, to me he should be the poster boy for term limits.
@American Cowboy
Fonda did not receive half the condemnation she deserved.
@Geoff King
at age 80 i agree that he has stayed too long at the party and i hope that he does not run again. i still wish that the name calling would cease.
I've been bought to tears at the warm reception the POTUS & FLOTUS have received in the Mid-east. I hope all the libtard's heads are exploding. This seems so very more important than phony, conspiracy theories regarding Russia.
I can hardly wait to see how WAPO, NY Slimes and CNN spin Trump's triumphal trip to the mid east. "TRUMP FATALLY DAMAGES US/ARAB RELATIONSHIP BY EATING WITH HIS LEFT HAND!"
@jlw - Juan McLame does not deserve the accolades attributed to him today, his performance has been terrible as a politician. He should've been shown the door after his first term. I can think of a lot of other RINOs as well. Any labeling and name calling he deserves.
As for Jane Fonda? The less said about her (AND her ilk), the better.
@James Daily - good one!
@Cheese guy - Although I did not vote for him, I am pleasantly surprised so far. Let's see how well he does after the end of a year, especially being surrounded by the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity that surround him.
Just this: thank you thank you thank you for not requiring the use of Disquis!!!
Donald Trump is not exactly the poster boy of manliness, given his somewhat rotund shape and all, but he makes trim and fit O'Liar look like a total girly man.
@Fred Ciampi,
Now now, don't be too mean to poor widdle Barry. He can't help it he was stricken at birth with a chronic, incurable case of cranial rectumitis.
Melania... She was a brave woman refusing to wear a damn cover on her head! Do the Saudis take the covers off their heads when they visit the US? Nope. So our women should not be expected to cover their heads when they go there. My thanks go out to the Trumps for NOT bowing and kissing ass like their predecessors!
John McCain.
I'm guessing all us Stilton's Placers voted for him in 2008, right? The choice was a no brainer in my mind. Has he gotten a little weird in his old age? Yep! Is he a RINO? Uh huh. But I'd still take him over O'Liar or Shrillary any day of the week.
@Dienekes, oh yell yes! I only put up with it (and, for that matter, Windoze) because I have to!
@cheeseman, I too swallowed hard and pulled the lever for Juan. Never again voted for another RINO Repub.
Yes, I voted for the RINO, but look at the choice. I will only vote my conscience from now on.
I did not notice any of the Mooselimbs averting their eyes from Melania!
TheOldMan - you betchya!
She's lovely, demure, and for a non-arab, conservatively dressed. Barely showing ankle or wrist, modest cut and color, and just stunning.
As opposed, say, to previous FLOTUS, or Her Thighness who could embarrass a burka...
@jlw You are entitled to your opinion and blind hero worship. However, you draw some pretty naive conclusions regarding that election cycle. No, we did not vote for, nor support Øbama. Yes we supported McCain - that, or throw our votes away on some third party candidate, which is pretty much the same thing as supporting Øbama. We also supported Romney the next go-'round. Odd how neither of them seemed willing to focus on Øbama's obvious flubs and flaws during the debates, isn't it? Odd how many claimed to be holding their noses and pulling the lever, assuming the "many - most of Republican party supported" them. Odd how the opposing candidates were systematically murdered by the MSM, and organ of the Democrat party. Odd how there were already rumors regarding busloads of good (read: paid) Democrat voters being bused into polling places where the Republican primaries were taking place. Do you think it impossible that the primary wasn't rigged? Obviously not in the manner in which they rigged their primary for Shillary's (Ooooo! There's that childish name calling again!); but the same hands were meddling in the Republican primaries, placing votes for the Democrats' preferred opponent.
In any case, like others here, I think he, Pelosi, and many, many other senators and congressmen are WAY past their "Best Before" dates - even as they accuse baby boomers of being selfish, holding onto jobs past retirement age, and keeping opportunities from the youngsters. A little retrospect over the wondrous laws enacted by these buffoons would likely change the "selfish" to "near-indigent", but, hey! That doesn't ring as well with their beloved MSM... I find very little to respect about pretty much any of the denizens of the House and Senate - ESPECIALLY McCain.
@Igor: I sincerely hope he continues to pleasantly surprise you. I also hope that what we are seeing is a highly orchestrated strategy to pull the earth from beneath the feet of the socialist libtards; not just a burst of blind squirrels finding nuts at a highly improbable rate. As I said: I've seen little to complain about. Likely, this is not random chance...
@dienekes You said a mouthful.
@Emmentaler Limburger
a request that juvenile name calling cease is "blind hero worship"?
but, gee, thanks for allowing me my own opinion, even though you clearly miss my point.
Emmentaler, jlw -
Full agreed, "name calling" *is* childish, and adds nothing to the discussion, other than signalling the caller's opinion of the callee.
As such, standing against it is well right and proper.
And hopefully, we can continue to refrain from it, at least amongst our selves..
Name calling can also be fun... a return to the playground, where one might gain (simulated, or at best temporary) status. I suspect the primary motive w/ name calling public figures is to attempt to feel that one has SOME kind of power / control over a chaotic situation in which we are fundamentally insignificant.
That, and it's fun...
@ Pete (Detroit)
"and it's Pete(Detroit), driving to the basket, For The Win!"
well said
Man, you had to use a reference to a sport I don't like...
"Home Run!"
"Hole in ONE!"
"He shoots, he scores!" (wait, why does that suddenly sound like an Islamist Date Night?)
Anyway, not claiming that *I* never tag people w/ nicknames, but yes, it can get tiresome.
But thx for kind intent..
@Readers- Sorry I've been incommunicado, but that certainly hasn't kept the conversation from being lively!
Can't help but notice the conspicuous lack of media coverage of Trump's major (and excellent) position speeches & the real work preceding the first overseas trip.
Consider that in contrast to how media is crawling all over Manchester terrorist bombing (exactly what the terrorists want); while also maintaining ongoing "Take him down" bullshit over here.
We're only 123 days in. I can hardly wait until Trump's administration gets up on plane. I think & hope there's going to be a lot of these "opposing folks"(that's being very nice) in career & life-changing legal trouble before this all ends.
Stilton, I am surprised that you would say lamont was "bowing" to the Saudi... He wasn't "bowing" at ALL... he was just "assuming the position", as he learned to do in Indonesia, for the goat roper behind him! His whole LIFE when lamont heard the words "F*CK YOU, he didn't take it as an insult, he heard it as a DATE!
Bruce, please see above discussion on 'name calling'
I don't know what personal beef you have w/ the previous occupant (and shit knows, I have plenty of my own issues) but I, personally have found your vitriol towards him to be rather "over the top" and a bit beyond "borderline offensive" for some time.
Again, not speaking for anyone else here, just me.
It's over, he's gone.
Hildabeast has been beaten like a drum.
Can you consider letting it just the Eff GO?
Just asking.
And, as always, "No" is a perfectly acceptable response - I have NO idea what has you so butt hurt... but anything you're trying to actually SAY is just getting lost in the NOISE, to me. (unless what you're trying to say is that Bath House Barry is an utterly useless d-bag w/ a hole in it - which we all GET)
Just trying to dialog here, and you're really sounding like Ms Othmar (Charlie Brown's teacher) - mwa WANH mwna MHAWANA
Again, just my opinion, and NOT looking for a fight - but asking you to consider other ways to express your self that are not so repetitive..
Love this place. And I love you, too, jlw.
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