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Yes, I would buy this in a heartbeat. |
Not that it's exactly relaxing. As we reach the end of the physical remodeling of the house (praise Cthulhu!) we have to start taking things out of 100+ boxes to put back...after first deciding whether these myriad things will stay or go.
Which means we're spending days tossing out old VHS tapes, vinyl albums (including the rare "Best of Marcel Marceau"), ill-considered DVD purchases, books we meant to read but didn't, clothes we hoped to "slim down into" but really didn't, family photos so old that NO ONE living knows who these people are anymore, tools and materials for "someday" projects which we now believe unlikely to happen, and memorabilia of times and places which, in Life's not always kind hindsight, seem better forgotten.
It's tiring and emotional work, especially for a certifiable pack rat, and doesn't leave many brain cells for political analysis or levity. Not that we had a superabundance of brain cells to start with.
So we're "draining the swamp" - our own personal swamp - today and for days ahead. But hopefully we'll be back with a regular post on Wednesday. See you then!
Alleged actress Rose McGowan has been among the loudest voices accusing Harvey Weinstein of being a sexual predator who didn't treat her as a "nice girl."
Just for the record, here's how Rose dresses for important, high-profile Hollywood events, to make sure everyone present notices her...mind.
We still think Weinstein needs the book thrown at him, but more importantly the whole Hollywood T&A culture - in which many men and women know exactly what they're really buying and selling - needs to change.
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"A Rose by any other name wouldst still be a ho." |
We moved into a new house 20 years ago. There are still several unpacked boxes in the garage. What's in them. Who knows. Fear not: you are already ahead of most of us in the cleaning out and throwing out business.
"Best of Marcel Marceau" - I had that on 8-Track, but it stretched out!
I'm with SBS, only my last move was only 9 years ago. By some coincidence I was in there today wading through boxes. Good luck!
On the Harvey thing. He is such a long time noted pervert there is no way in heil that these women did not know about his proclivity yet they answered his cattle calls anyways, I suppose hoping to skate by or not be selected for attention but being the good team player attending anyways. My favorite of course is the crook saying that the rapist has already litigated. Which begs the question of does this former lawyer know the definition of the word litigated. Also, I hope you did not throw out your copy of Slim Whitman.
Now that you've posted the pics of Rose "The Wide Glide" McGowan, you're going to be besieged by all the chubby chasers and drooling 'tards, foaming at the mouth for more of their favorite airhead. You need to purge her visage from your column to rid this potential cause celeb and return her to the backwaters of mediocrity where she so deservedly belongs. Cut your losses and move forward....
From today's email announcement:
"We tried to take the day off on Friday but accidentally ended up doing a full post anyway.
Today, we really ARE take a day off to rest. Although we put together a pretty cute graphic to say so. "
Just like the addict says. "I can quite anytime I want to. I just don't want to." :-)
I hear Shrillary was asked to compare Harvey’s behavior to Bill’s. She said “Close, but no cigar!”
Are you kidding me? Rose McGowan a "nice" girl?????????????????
Don't know when the pic was taken, but:
It's not uncommon for women who were assaulted to display outrageously inappropriate sexual behavior after. It's an outcome of the assault, not a reason for it.
@ Linda: Don't know if you are trying to defend this idiot, but, if you read her bio, you will notice that she had inappropriate behavior since she was a teenager. Women who advertise and find a buyer are usually asking for it.
Ah! The best of Marcel Marceau! A classic! Here's a prime cut from that album:
Per Rose "Emperor's New Clothes" McGowan: her obvious display of full frontal boob , side boob, and ass is fitting as she is clearly both a boob and an ass. Fits right in with the rest of our "betters"....
Rose McGowan is still mad at HW because he took one look at her and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm married."
Dust mites, all.
thank you for keeping us/me in the loop! (me - i am kinda selfish, just know better than to go out doors in shorts or w/o shirt... doubt i'd get paid for it, and fear the proposals that may come...) always love your posts, and the comments are pretty fun, entertaining, even, as today, I loved the one of Marcel's last album, (the ol' 8 track is long gone, but, think i have some tapes in a box - somewhere...) and remembered Slim... been a long time... think i'll copy and paste the foto of our glamor gal on the ceiling over the bed, next to the Bay Watch babes, & wutsername coming out of the ocean with a knife... thanx for that... thanx also, for those comments... listening to ol' Slim as hunt & peck... just think, opening boxes of 'stuff' - it's kinda like Christmas! or... wishing that trip to good will or the dump was made when gas was cheaper!
@S.B. Sweeney- We're still completing the mammoth job of sorting/digitizing the belongings of my late parents, and so we're trying to do the same thing with our OWN stuff so as not to burden others later. There's a book coming out soon which describes the process as "Swedish Death Cleaning," which we may buy. And I'm the real culprit around here; a creative mind can always imagine a possible use for almost anything - so not enough gets thrown out. Leaving one's survivors to decide "nice guy, but based on this crap he really WAS nuts."
@Mike aka Proof- I really do have that Marcel Marceau album. Maybe I'll sell it on eBay (because, you know, I need ANOTHER pain in the ass). Each side of the album is absolute silence, followed by about a minute of riotous applause. Genius!
@James Daily- In fairness to some of Weinstein's victims, they tried not to meet with him privately. A frequent ruse: a female studio executive would call the actress in for a meeting, then say that Weinstein would also be attending. 10 minutes into the meeting, the female exec would be "called away" to leave Weinstein with his victim. Make no mistake, many people had to have been actively enabling Weinstein's disgusting behavior.
And no, I'll never toss out my Slim Whitman albums. I once met the man (humble and charming) and got his autograph. Loyalty still counts for something in my world.
@Regnad Kcin- I'll leave Rose up, but I don't expect to be regularly posting such nonsense on a regular basis. Her skimpy outfit just strikes me as...sad. Has any hooker's outfit spoken more clearly about the wearer's actual profession? And frankly, Busty Ross in a crisp polka dot dress has WAY more appeal than McGowan in her dental floss dress. Sometimes, showing all you have is the clearest way to prove that it's not enough.
@Jason Anyone- I prefer to think of it as a commitment rather than an addiction. I know, I know - spoken like an addict.
@Dan'l- I hear that Bill and Monica were going to do stand-up comedy together, but she kept blowing the punchline.
@Judi King- "Nice" ain't what it used to be.
@Linda Fox- You make an absolutely great (and sad) point. The effects of sexual harassment can be devastating, and CAN cause behavioral changes. Who's to say that after having too many bad experiences, McGowan didn't hyper-sexualize her image to take advantage of the game the way it's really played? Despite some jokes I've made here, sexual abuse is a very serious problem - and not just in Hollywood. And unlike Hillary and the Hollywood types, we should all care about the victims.
@Judi King- I wouldn't call Linda's point a "defense" so much as a possible explanation. If McGowan has always demonstrated inappropriate behavior, it's not impossible that something untoward happened to her in childhood. At some point, everyone has to be responsible for their own behavior right now...but the past can be insidious, and that which happens early in life can be exceedingly hard to escape from.
@Emmentaler Limburger- Wow! It's great to hear that again!
As far as McGowan's "dress" goes, she could have done better sprinting through a haunted house in the nude and collecting spiderwebs. Bonus: it would be more entertaining than most of her films.
@Boligat- When Harvey commits to a houseplant, he means it.
@Don Stoutenberg- Just for fun, maybe I'll pull some of my weirdest albums and take a snapshot for a future (lazy) post. And yes, actually digging down deep into my old belongings (ie, "crap") does yield a few Christmas-like surprises. That's actually one benefit of the "Swedish Death Cleaning" process: you rediscover the needles that have been buried in haystacks, and can get them out where they can be appreciated. It's a good thing - but for me, a hard thing.
For the stuff that's got to go: Amazon & eBay are your friends. Create an Amazon "seller's account". They've made listing and selling books and DVDs as painless as possible. When my parents passed, I mad a small fortune getting rid of their books. (Mrs. Econ enjoys reading hard-covers, which you can frequently get 50% back on this way) We also will occasionally by a DVD set to binge watch a series, and then re-sell it on Amazon, getting most of our purchase price back. Also, as a fellow pack-rat, it makes it easier to let stuff go if you're getting money back.
Post-modern Feminism's confusing message: It really does seem incongruent that certain women demand to be recognized for being more than just their body parts when they go to such extremes just make sure that all we do see of them is just their body parts. A good example is the whole "slut walk" thing, where women gather to march to protest "rape culture" and social judgementalism in forms of dress that make Rose McGowan's attire above look downright Amish, and also encourages us to judge whether certain women should be seen naked, in public or private. It's so clear now!
Check prices for those VHS and LPs
Some may be valuable.....
LOve your stuff
My condolences Stilton. I constantly fight against my inherited pack-rat gene. It's not so hard with clothes and the like. It's tougher with books, although there are some that I know I will never get around to reading. Vinyl will never go, by coincidence I am setting up my new turntable this week. However, getting rid of old family photos is excruciating. Most of my family older than myself have passed, making identification of relatives in old black and white photos problematic. I just feel somehow that I am sacrilegious if I dispose of said photos. Sentimentalism can be a bear.
Jason Anyone,
I've heard about a guy who is addicted to brake fluid, but he says he can stop any time.
Linda makes a very valid point, and oversexualization is a symptom of premature sexual abuse, where sexual acceptance takes the place of personal acceptance, ergo the priority is switched from your "person" being displayed for relationship to your body-parts being the focus. Sexuality is not the normal way to interact... those who do are doing it from a position of their own damage.
When I lived in So Cal I thought I was signing up for a class about plants, but ended up studying the Hollywood scene. Found out "Whoreticulture" was not a typo.
We all have the the freedom of choice. You can't put the blame on others just because some of your choices are bad. More of the insidious "blame game". No one is responsible for your life but you. And, most teenage girls have "issues". Thankfully most of us are reasonable enough to outgrow them and take charge of our own life.
Having spent the last dozen years getting rid of stuff, then inheriting more stuff, I do feel for ya, Stilton. But as a genealogist, the idea of simply throwing away old photos hits me right in the "OMG, Don't!" gene. We have tons and tons of old photos, and can't identify most of them. So the high quality ones, not the happy snaps, are being scanned and uploaded to various websites, where others may see a relative and be able to download the photo. If it's a tintype, glass photo, or other super high quality early photo, we save them. Some are going to various museums, some to relatives. They are just too valuable to genealogists and historians to toss.
As for stuff in general, we have a rule. If something comes into the house (not counting comestibles), something has to leave. Not counting the inherited stuff we're still sorting through, we're higher on the outgoing than the incoming. Both of us being the creative sort, letting go of some stuff has been much harder than others. So the rule is if we can't think of some alternative use within a year, it goes. That has helped a lot.
We're even scanning in important papers and saving them to a multitude of media and cloud, so we can make room in the file cabinet (one each) for more recent papers. In an emergency, we can grab the small box of media storage and the computer passwords and boogie, without losing everything. Love, love, love that scanner...
If you haven't used it in years, but kept it for emotional reasons, why not photograph it and let it go? After all, it only means something to you. And you'll never have to find a place for (or dust) that photograph, but it will still bring back those memories.
Now, if I could just get Spousal Unit to let go of the 30 Maryland and Virginia Renaissance Fair mugs and goblets...
I've been to a nude beach in Sweden, and friends, it ain't all that! Rose falls into this category. If you got it, flaunt it. If you look like 99.5% of all humans, please don't dress like the .5%.
I truly admire your courage and determination to unclutter your abode, but I hope you asked your offspring first if there was anything they wanted. When my parents retired, they had a giant-ass auction and got rid of an enormous amount of the stuff they had collected over the past 45 years. Among the stuff that went to strangers' homes were many things that my brother and I would have loved to have in our own homes. Dad's WW2 army uniform, an old regulator clock, the family silver setting, etcetera.....
@MAJ Arkay
"We're even scanning in important papers and saving them to a multitude of media and cloud, so we can make room in the file cabinet (one each) for more recent papers. In an emergency, we can grab the small box of media storage and the computer passwords and boogie, without losing everything. Love, love, love that scanner..."
I suggest you also convert to microfilm/microfiche for a non-electronic means of data recovery - store the film in a fireproof vault that can remain COOL if something bad happens. This method is a SHTF and is used for most important Gubmint and financial records, it's a dead-storage method that can survive Civilization falling on it's collective face...
(Yes, I've been trained in it...)
LOVE the Marcel Marceau album, I though nobody else knew it existed!
I have some Norman Luboff Choir records from the early 60's... did you know that Chip Davis (C.W. McCall, Mannheim Steamroller) was a member of it? See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chip_Davis
Thanks for yet another great post.....really liked the Lovecraft reference!
Yours....will aka disabled digger wv on YouTube
@Emmentaler Limburger--I totally agree with your comment. That was my favorite Marcel Marceau too! The best ever! Hahahahaha!!!
But Stilt...that image of Rose made my eyes explode. I hope I can purge the image OUT of my brain. Please post a warning the next time you post something that horrifying. It's not fit even for this Halloween season. Gah!!!!
I remember when I first saw that picture of Rose. I thought to myself, she might as well be naked, so why bother. The only "cover" is that small black triangle in the front.
When I moved earlier this year, I was forced to purge all the stuff I no longer needed or wanted. I let the kids take what they wanted, then donated or discarded the rest. I didn't have the wherewithal to sell on eBay or Amazon but I could have made some dough. The move took all of my energy and time. I did take several bags of books to Half Price. They gave me $10! What a joke! Don't bother, just donate. It is nice to be pared down and know where everything is but I still fight "packratting." It's in the genes, I think.
@Shelly said, "The only "cover" is that small black triangle in the front."
Which likely explains why her career didn't go all that far. After all, if you are going to go out in public dressed like that, then fully commit to the part!
(Sigh)....Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be.
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than have to have a frontal lobotomy
Shelly, packratting is in the genes, the closet, piled up at the far end of the couch, on top of the nightstand, underneath the nightstand, in the trunk of the car....
What? You're telling me that Swedish Death Cleaning ISN'T when two nubile Swedish Bikini Team members sponge bathe you until you croak? Damn. Another of life's goals shattered by cruel reality...
I haven't seen that much cottage cheese in such bad shape since the dairy blew up......that rose is ..ahhh.... well special.....I can't understand why harvey didn't see the Mother Theresa in her right away....
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