The above cartoon accurately quotes the seditious Nancy Pelosi, but the words we've put in Trump's mouth simply represent our fantasy...and what we've been personally muttering about Pelosi for quite awhile.
Pelosi's remarks were made while she was conspiring with Jerry "Quick, Get Me An Orange" Nadler and other high-ranking Democrats about whether or not to impeach Trump. Meanwhile, the President was busy overseas, commemorating the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, meeting with heads of state, and "winning hugely" on every front.
Pelosi, on the other hand, is caught in an internal power struggle amongst Democrats who are torn (albeit not in the drawn-and-quartered sense, we're sorry to say) about a possible impeachment action against Trump. Pelosi is fighting the tide in her own party, saying that Trump should not be impeached because it will galvanize his base for the 2020 election, and that she would rather see him defeated at the polls and subsequently tried, convicted, and imprisoned for his "crimes."
Additionally, Pelosi is telling the pitchforks-and-torches contingent in her party that for an impeachment to proceed, two important conditions must be met: public support and strong bipartisan backing. We would have thought another necessary condition would be having evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors, but apparently Nancy can skip this inconsequential Constitutional detail as long as she feels like her withered political ass is covered.

When will some news item come out regarding Nervous Nancy taking money from the Mexican cartels?
For that matter, some, *any* reportage regarding cartel money going to any politicians, civil servants, public officials, LEOs, etc., of *any* political stripe?
nanny peelousy wants Trump to visit her in Prison?
Wouldn't take much to change "Maggie" to "Nancy," really...
Does anyone take her seriously anymore?
@ Jim Irre, Believe you are vastly underestimating Pelosi. All of this is quite calculated, keeping the fires well-stoked if you will, until the time is ripe. But do agree with Stilton, its a very,very dangerous game she and the others leading the howling mob are playing, which could backfire very very disastrously (one can only hope).
I actually think that for Nasty Pelosi, 'Life Begins' when a clump of cells can actually vote Democrat.
Just sayin'
Her “God’s sparkling children” statement has always stuck in my craw. She is a vile and evil woman and most certainly a seditious danger to our country.
If Nancy wants to see Trump in prison, I'm sure he can make arrangements to visit her there.
I wouldn't cross the street to pee on her if she was on fire.
Doc, *I* would. But then, I'm the kinda guy that likes peeing on fires.
And crazy old women.
But hey, each their own, eh?
Ah, 2020 is going to be an exciting year ... at least up until November. I'm stocking up on popcorn and moonshine and sitting back and watching the fireworks, both literally and figuratively. And after November? Woohoo, the feces will strike the rotating air mover.
As @ Fish Out of Water said, I believe this is quite calculated to keep the spectre of impeachment alive into the 2020 election, thereby causing lofo voters to question the integrity of Trump.
Perhaps it is time for the President to throw that word around in the cases of half the Democratic Party.
I've been very distracted this year; gave up watching most of the media BS; and also lost my "program" a long time ago. Seriously, I'd like to know: Never mind whether a sitting POTUS can even be prosecuted (a constitutional thing)... What exactly has Trump allegedly done that rises to a crime qualifying for impeachment? Do they really have "nothing"... or do they actually THINK there is something? IF SO, I'd just appreciate a reminder of what that is.
We will see the withered old crone sweating out eternity with her "father" long before we see President Trump wearing prison fatigues. IMO
It's 1860 in America again !
@Alej- you are more correct than I like to believe. Remember how Lincoln had to quite literally sneak into Washington DC after his election to take office?
I pray for our democratic republic.
Not that Republicans are all that great, they are swampy too, but we simply must take back the House in 2020 and demote this witch forever. Maybe if she loses the speakership, she will retire at last but I don't count on that. The added benefits will be to demote Schiff, Nadler, Waters and Clyburn from their committee chairs. I'm so sick of the lot of them.
Thanks Nancy for once again demonstrating why you and your followers belong no where near the levers of power in a free republic. You want Trump in prison for exactly what? The Mueller report was a dud. You have nothing. Free nations don't put people in prison simply because they upset the political elite.
But go ahead and keep this up. It just reminds people that you have no viable agenda. You're living in fear that Trump will be re-elected in 2020, so your base's answer is to either impeach or jail him? Boy, that's gonna convince them that the Democrats should get more power!
Meanwhile, these people continue to cry about how democracy is in peril and we're headed for a Constitutional crisis while simultaneously stating "... for an impeachment to proceed, two important conditions must be met: public support and strong bipartisan backing."
Again, these are the people who need to be replaced.
When the hell is Barr going to go on the offensive for real? I'm tired of hearing little teasers trickle out now and then. It's time to take the battle to the bastards (and bitches -- must be inclusive these days, after all). Someone needs to remind the White House of that fundamental maxim of football: "THE BEST DEFENSE IS A GOOD OFFENSE."
Nancy Pelosi found it necessary, while the President was in Normandy to remember the 75th anniversary of D-Day, to blither about how she would like to see him in jail, thus lowering herself to the level of a Joy Behar or a Kathy Griffin.
To put this in context, think of the last few times you’ve heard her speak - it’s hard to avoid, the party-press loves her - and think about how you would feel if any of your older female relatives or friends sounded like that.
I think that she is under tremendous pressure from the socialist majority base of the Democrat party, and I think that she sees the end of her political career approaching faster than she ever suspected.
Perhaps she dreads the idea of having to retire to her walled-in mansion in her district that is increasingly covered in human feces and used syringes as a result of the policies of her Democrat party.
On thing to keep in mind that this continuing impeachment (and those clamoring for it, forget the other half; conviction by the Senate) narrative is that it started from election day 2016 plus 1. Started, fueled and abetted by a co-founder of a production company.
@Dan- Oh sure, Nancy's personal wealth has mysteriously exploded out of all proportion to her on-the-book earnings, but we have to factor in "the miracle of compound interest."
@Blick- That was going to be my original punchline today, but I just couldn't find the right words. But yes, I hope Trump gets the opportunity to visit a LOT of these people in prison.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Yikes.
@Jim Irre- Sadly, we ALL have to take her seriously. She wields a dangerous amount of power.
@Fish Out of Water- We're in agreement. Nancy is aware she's playing a game (the same she's played since Lincoln was too young to grow a beard), and she's good at it.
@KatinKansas- Even if those cells have been six feet under for a long time.
@Bobo the Hobo- Plus, the "Twilight" series informed us that "sparkling children" are actually vampires. Which explains why they're draining our nation's lifeblood.
@Fritzchen- He can bring her a cake with her criminal file hidden inside.
@Doc- Personally, I'd find that a tough decision to make.
@Stan da Man- I have to admit, it would be fun to write my name in steam.
@Fred Ciampi- Yeah, 2020 is going to a the Roman sense, with hungry lions and dead bodies for the crowd's entertainment. Moonshine and popcorn sounds like a good idea!
@Geoff King- Oh, I DO wish impeachment talks would start for a LOT of folks on the Left. Or skip impeachment and go straight to sedition charges. If Trump's already being called a Nazi, what does he have to lose?
@Rod- A lot of Lefties think they DO have something, they just don't know what it is. And I'm not even kidding with that ridiculous remark. Those at the top, though - Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler - know that they're lying through their teeth and that Trump isn't guilty of anything.
@Kerry Soileau- Wait, there's some other way to describe Nancy's butt?!
@American Cowboy- What a pleasant image to think about!
@Alej- Sure starting to feel like it...
@TrickyRicky- Your comment reminds me of Maxine Waters exhorting her followers to track conservatives down in public and scream at them (or worse) until they run. This will not end well.
@Shelly- I hope that I've never indicated, by word or deed, that I like Republicans much either (grin). You're right, they're all swampy, but since we have to play the game as given, I definitely want the GOP to take back the House.
@John the Econ- Throwing your political opponents in jail for no reason is one of the defining characteristics of fascism. If these lunatics had their way, most of us here would be sent to reeducation camps...if we were lucky.
@Old Cannonballs- I agree. I'm living for the day when the DrudgeReport will have a flashing police light and giant red headlines saying "BARR ISSUES INDICTMENTS, WASHINGTON IN PANIC, OBAMA PRISON?"
@Unknown- The timing of Pelosi's remarks was terrible, but unsurprising. And there's a part of me that enjoys seeing the old biddy trying to content with all the radical young piranhas in her party. And when she DOES move back to San Francisco, I hope it's under a court order forcing her to walk barefoot everywhere she goes.
@Fish Out of Water- When you're right, you're right.
Must be tough to be a progressive and spend every waking moment obsessing about "getting" Trump, only to see him repeatedly thumbing his nose at you.
So, Stormy, Stormy, Stormy backfired on them. Hookers peeing on him backfired. The pussy grabbing episode backfired on them. Collusion backfired on them multiple times. The tax return thing apparently backfired, too. They are now on to obstruction of justice. Huh? I've not heard any of them get more specific than that, and whining about a Constitutional crisis (I repeat.... huh?).
In other news, the threat of a 5% tariff has apparently gotten Mexico off the pot. They have arrested two caravan organizers, and are sending a few thousand troops to their southern border.
We all know this was Trumps plan, but the spineless Republicans were retreating like rats from the plan. When are these cowards going to realize that Trump just might actually know what the heck he's doing?
They're right! We are in a constitutional crisis, and, frankly, we have been since about 1912. Unelected bureaucrats are as powerful as elected legislators. Appointed personnel are legislating from the bench. Stated are colluding to obviate a constitutionally mandated process regarding our presidential elections. And our legislature has been turned into a partisan show trial. Again, we've all lived our entire lives in the midst of a constitutional crisis, but no-one has noticed until now. And now is seeming more and more likely to qualify as "woo late".
@Colby Muenster, there's a theme for Trump's 2020 campaign: After 4 years of trying, they continually fail to take me down. If they're not capable to taking down someone who is supposedly so obviously corrupt, how can they possibly be capable of running the country?
@Colby Muenster, per your comment about Republicans opposing Trump, we must remember that they answer to a higher God, namely, the deep pocketed donors.
If it could work successfully: I'd like to see Trump et al run & win as the new #1 Third major party with Republicans being #2 or 3 and & Democrats being ~ #5, behind Trump, Republicans,
United Independents, Libertarians, and about 12-14 places ahead of Socialists & Nazis. While still essentially unaffiliated independent; I'll not vote for another Democrat for anything; and sometimes really dislike being compelled to vote Republican to be effective.
Per the foundational statement - Rush was saying today that she didn't even say that 'out loud, in public' - it was at a closed door caucus meeting!
IE, someone LEAKED it!
Worst Trade War Ever: Trump has just settled his trade deal with Mexico.
If he can lock down China...
Can anyone escort Schumer and Pelosi across the Rio Grande with no papers? Under Trump's new No caravans <> No tariffs deal.. now maybe Mexico will deport them to Guatemala.
@John the Econ -- Regarding the trade thingie with Mexico. Yep, it's amazing what ya can accomplish when you don't just lay down and snivel.
Could you imagine what they would do if they actually had a real reason ? ....Maybe a crime or something ? impeachable offense ? ....Something .....anything ...... proof he didn't recycle ? ..... Maybe took the label off a mattress ? ......went in and 'out' door ? .....Didn't wash his hands upon leaving the restroom ? .....used 'i' before 'e' in the presence of a 'c' ? .... received 2 candy bars for the price of one from a vending machine ? ....... SOMETHING !!!...... Told her he would call and then never did ? ..... didn't flush ? ...... left the ketchup bottle on the counter overnight ? ........
Well their buddies in the media have stirred this up for them .......just in case they do find something they are all ready ......
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