Everyone grieves in their own private way. For instance, our personal way of expressing grief is to give the corpus delicti about 48 hours of holding our tongue, after which we feel free to mock them again if, in life, they were something of a pain in the ass.
Mind you, we have our limits and would never write something as tasteless as saying that rather than burial or cremation, the fiercely pro-abortion Ginsburg specified that her skull be crushed with forceps, after which her limbs would be snipped off and removed one at a time, with all the messy pieces of her teeny tiny body ending up in a rusty dumpster behind a Planned Parenthood office. Others might say it, but not us. It's a little thing we like to call "class."
So to satisfy our urge for feistiness, let's dive into some...
• Biden's campaign team has him "calling it a day" with regards to press exposure by about 9 or 10 in the morning lately. Is it possible that Biden is "sundowning?" For those unfamiliar with the term, it's a common condition for those with dementia in which symptoms and confusion grow worse later in the day or when the sun goes down. (Update: apparently we're not the only ones thinking about this possibility)
• Still reeling from panic-buying of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, grocery stores nationwide are now finding their shelves stripped of popcorn prior to Tuesday's first presidential debate. Okay, not really - but talk about "must see" TV! Although we're still betting that Biden's camp will find some excuse to back out.
• The usual suspects are rioting in Louisville over their dissatisfaction with a grand jury's finding that the police officers associated with the death of Breonna Taylor had not broken the law and for the most part acted absolutely appropriately. There was no evidence of racism in the entire event, which didn't stop this protesting asshole from allegedly shooting two cops in downtown Louisville...
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This is Larynzo Johnson, whose parents clearly won no spelling bees |
The two officers, one of whom is black, are expected to recover. Which, for all we know, will set off yet more riots.
Is either one of the Clintons still eligible for SCOTUS? I thought you had to be a member of the bar, at least...
One of the two cops shot in the hip, showed up for roll call the next morning.
Let's hear it for true grit!
Yes, bill, she knows. The ones you couldn't talk into the sack, you raped. However, the old arkansas slut still thinks that wilt chamberlain was far better in the back seat than you.
Not too far off the mark about a scenario having the vile, amoral most unqualified, unfit, unworthy POTUS candidate since Henry Wallace sitting on SCOTUS.
RE Today’s post: to quote that sage philosopher Slappy Squirrel, “Crass, yet tasteless” which is why I am wiping coffee from my computer screen. (Man, coffee spewed through one’s nose is a real sinus-cleaner!)
Talk about RGB... Will the Clintons ever leave? I don't care where they go; just leave.
P.S.- Fantastic cartoon today. I can always use a chuckle at the Klingon's expense.
Having been raised as a child in the time of segregation and Jim Crow in the South, as well as through the turbulent 60s, I regretfully say this is the worst time of all for race relations. After all the legislation, the set-asides, quotas, affirmative action and every other thing this nation has done to atone for something wretched that none of us had anything to do with, we are now all being called racists for the immutable fact of having been born with white skin. I credit the great Messiah OBlammy for destroying the gains we had made. He did just the opposite of what white voters hoped would happen. And now, we have subversives running the likes of BLM and Antifa and who knows who else, agitating for the total upheaval of our country. We are expected to destroy the fabric of our nation, the rule of law and all the things that make America the greatest country on earth, so the leftists can control our money and our lives. Do you really think all of this will stop if Biden (shudder) is elected?
@Sortawitte: Please refer to "the old arkansas slut" as "the old new york slut" in future. With the exception of a few Communists at UA Fayetteville and in Little Rock, we here in my adoptive home state would just as soon forget those two wastes of protoplasm ever resided here, let alone occupied any sort of position of power... :P
Another memorable posting, Stilt.
While your interpretation of her last wishes may seem appropriate, I think it would have been even more fitting if such procedures were performed PRIOR to her passing. Perhaps contributing to it, as has been the case of so many of her victims.
@Bobo - haven't you learned yet to put the coffee down before reading anything posted by the Master of Class?
As for Shrillary being nominated for SCOTUS, would the Republicans have the gonads to do to her what the dhimicrats did to Kavanaugh? After all, there is more than enough actual evidence of her shenanigans to conduct a three ring circus for months about her (im)moral character.
@Shelly. I heartily second that. The worst electoral mistake since the peanut farmer from plains Ga, has and continues to set back racial relations. Bush 2 may not be among the Presidential giants, but compared to what followed him...
And I too feel no guilt for the color of my skin nor my heritage, which includes an ancestor who died a Confederate POW due to calculated Union mistreatment and neglect.
@ M. Mitchell: Whew! Now tell me you really think about the Clintons. Was living abroad at the time the boil on the body politic, aka the Clinton's burst open and spewed out its pus, but how did he/get elected in the first place?
@Fish Out of Water: Short answer, Ross Perot splitting the conservative vote. Twice...
There's little that we can do to RBG's legacy that the left won't ultimately do that is worse, by reinventing it as the narrative of the moment requires. For nearly two decades now since the Wellstone funeral debacle, Democrats have had no compulsion against turning funerals into vehicles for campaign events.
The "lid" on Biden: I had an amusing exchange yesterday with someone who was insisting that Biden's gaffes were "few and rare". Of course, I didn't waste a lot of time on this person because only someone suffering from a level of dementia on par with Biden's could possible believe such a thing.
Considering the embarrassing nature of Biden's previous gaffes where his filter obviously fails thus exposing him as the corrupt white supremacist that he actually is, it's undoubtedly a wise move that Biden's handlers are putting an early-in-the-day "lid" on his public accessibility before he says something that even his most ardent supporters might actually comprehend as insane.
I seriously have to wonder if next week's debate will actually happen, especially considering that it will be taking place long after Biden's bedtime at 6pm instead of 6am when he's still marginally cogent. Some contrived excuse or national distraction before Tuesday evening would not surprise me. No doubt that CBS will have a Two and-a-half Men and Two Broke Girls marathon cued up, just in case.
Ironic Impairment: Several times yesterday I saw comments from Progressives to the effect that we shouldn't be judging protesters based upon the less-than-peaceful aspects. Really.
@Rickn8or: Read a piece, perhaps 6 months ago, which stated while Perot's ego/campaign certainly did not help matters, it was not the deciding factor in Bush 1 not being reelected.
Are ya'll interested in another "kind of black" Activist POTUS? I thought not; and that's still not entirely due to skin color. Yet here we are with a major party national ticket that will not just possibly, but PROBABLY deliver just that and maybe worse due to blatant social activism, lack of character & intolerable bitchiness. By all means do two things soon: Fill RGB's seat ASAP and VOTE. We've already voted at the court house where I think our ballots will be safe.
Biden's dementia will serve him well in one way:
Hunter Biden Received a $3.5 Million Payment From Ex-Moscow Mayor's Wife, Republican Report Says
A new report from Senate Republicans alleges that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million payment from the wealthy wife of Moscow's former mayor, amid a slew of other financial transactions and entanglements that federal government officials warned presented conflicts of interest as the former vice president spearheaded the Obama administration's Ukraine policy.
So while the Democrats spent 4 years trying to make out Trump as some sort of Russian collaborator, it was a family member of the Obama Administration (other than Bill & Hillary) that was collecting millions of dollars of payments from Russians for purposes unknown.
Of course this will come up Tuesday evening. Biden will honestly deny any knowledge of it because he won't even remember what he had for lunch. And his followers will still consider him honest for forgetting all about it.
@Rod: I have a suggestion for where the Clintons should go, forthwith. And apologies to @M. Mitchell Marmel, it's slightly hotter than Alabama in the summertime...
@ John the Econ: The upcoming debates for me are a Whopper nothing burger. There is of course an undecided segment, but I can't bring myself to believe it is of any significance in this election.
Second, the manner in which all Presidential debates are handled and carried out, do not I believe, give a voter a true picture of the candidate's character and clues as to how they might perform as President. Questions such as 'How do you plan to address police violence against the African American community?" are first loaded in that it assumes there is a problem to the exclusion of everything else. Second, the answers given to such I have found to be silted, lacking much substance and more sound bite worthy than substantive.
As the debates are job interviews, instead, there should be questions along the lines of, 'Describe a personal disappointment and how it was overcome?' Or, 'Tell about us about something that did not go well and why?' 'Tell us what you've learned through raising your children?' 'Describe a personal accomplishment and why you believe you were successful'. Etc.
@ John the Econ, for the "national distraction" I'm going to go with "another school shooting".
I have my popcorn ready for Tuesday's comedy show but I seriously doubt if it will ever happen. Biteme couldn't possibly debate Trump. And....I don't know how the media can call these shows debates in the first place.
I'm with Shelly....I'm almost 80 and I've NEVER seen a year like this one. It started out so great and everything that could go wrong did. Still Trump is pulling off a comeback. I've never seen so much racism and hatred (on the left). Looting, rioting, fires, and staged destruction...unbelievable. They're getting away with it because they can. They're asking for a civil war and I say give it to them.
GHW Bush "read my lips" didn't help.
Oh come on. Everybody know Bill likes 'em much younger.
@Readers- Hello all! Just wanted to let you know that I'm reading and enjoying your comments, even though I'm too short of time to respond individually. All is fine, just a myriad of domestic tasks as Mrs. J continues to heal!
@Stilton: Regards to Mrs. J! Hope she's healing well!
Why oh why is it a crime that Amy Barrett is Catholic, yet Joe Biden being Catholic is A-OK?
Just returned from a two-week motorhome trip, blessed with not having to look at too much TV news (hard to get when the satellite dome can't get a signal because we are parked under trees). No problem; the missus and I were getting so fed up with politics that no signal was the least of our worries. We left Arizona on Sept 17 and visited family in Denver, mosied up to Wyoming, where the prairie dog situation was looking up for me (the ultimate varmint hunter), but looking down for the ranchers who have to put up with the pests. Utah was beautiful as usual, and we plan to return to Wyoming in the Spring for some actual prairie dog "harvesting," instead of sticking to mere prospecting. .22-250 and .22 rimfire remain ready to go.
Seems that half of America was "on the road" due to the fear of flying that had been spread by COVID. We try to "boondock" whenever possible; fairgrounds offer the best opportunities, but BLM land is also attractive whenever we can find it. When all else fails, we try the State Parks. RV parks: too noisy and overpriced.
Seems that our missing the debates last night was cause for lightening the load on the old motorhome by downing a couple of margaritas for our parched throats.
Just wondering. Will the rioters go south for the winter?
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