Monday, December 16, 2019

Bottom Feeder

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, hillary, face lift, botox, filler, transplant, butt cheeks, organ donor

Soon-to-be Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has just debuted a fresh, new, youthful countenance which is pure nightmare fuel. In perhaps the least-subtle plastic surgery we've ever seen, Hillary appears to have had silicone breast implants crammed into her cheeks - making them bloated and disquietingly smooth when framed by her heavily wrinkled face.

Although to be absolutely fair and journalistically responsible, we don't know that Hillary had plastic surgery done. We suppose it's possible that she took out her teeth to pleasure her husband ("Is it okay if I think of Monica?") and he got so carried away with slamming her face that her air bags deployed.


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, thunberg, time, person of the year, face

We normally scoff at the idiotic choices made by TIME magazine (not that it is still a magazine) for their annual "person of the year" issue, but for 2019 they almost got it right.

Not by selecting Greta Thunberg, the spoiled, hectoring, self-important brat of privilege who thinks she's going to change the world by skipping school and being a complete pain in the global ass. But we think TIME almost got it right because the real "person of the year" should be that vicious, angry, "please punch me" snot face that has become the new Guy Fawkes mask worn universally by liberals.

This sneering display of disdain for the rabble, so perfectly mastered by Ms. Thunberg, has also been seen on the pusses of nearly every prominent asshole on the Left. Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Peter Strzok, Alexandria Ocarina-Goretex, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, James Comey, Ilhan Omar, the full roster of Democratic presidential candidates, every Democrat who attempted to destroy Bret Kavanaugh, antifa, college students, liberal professors, the entire on-air lineup on MSNBC and CNN, and far too many more to mention.

It is the face of whiners and those who hate. The face of those who resent the need to work or exercise personal responsibility. It is the face of unearned superiority and unmerited self-love. It is the face of the power-hungry and the heartless. It is the face of bigotry, prejudice, and the deeply embedded belief that all people are not created equal, which is why the ivory tower class feels compelled to tell the peasant class what the hell to do with their insignificant and annoying lives.

So TIME swung and missed again this year. But maybe they'll get it in 2020, when the "person of the year" will be all of those grief-stricken faces that we'll see when Donald Trump is elected to a second term.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Image result for vertigo movie

Sorry, no post today. I had to respond to a minor medical emergency when daughter Jarlsberg had a crippling attack of vertigo. So I'm away from my toys and tools (and forgot to bring my iPad charger) and will be largely incommunicado.

Positive thoughts and prayers for daughter J are appreciated. As for me, I DID pack a jug of Clan MacGregor, so I've got that going for me!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Treason's Greetings

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, horowitz, articles of impeachment, trump, busty ross
Things are looking up.
The current news cycle is even more mind-bogglingly annoying than usual - and that's saying a lot. We're drowning in the kind of idiocy which would make us pull our hair out if there was enough up there to get a good handful. As it is, we have to settle for pulling strips of skin off our bald pate, making a sound like angrily pulling tape out of a dispenser by the foot.

If you listen to mainstream media, you'd think that the Horowitz report proves the FBI and everyone involved with investigating Trump for Russian collusion were innocent of any wrongdoing. Even lanky, lying Jim Comey is tweeting about the complete victory the report represents.

Only it doesn't. The report actually cites hundreds of examples of FBI wrongdoing, and finds "no evidence of political bias" for the sole reason that no one being interviewed admitted to being part of a coup attempt. The report is wildly damning of the FBI and the deep state...but the great unwashed aren't hearing any of it, and the odds that they'll bother to read a 400+ page report are nonexistent.

Meanwhile, the Democrats solemnly read out their articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power (for looking into Democrat corruption) and "obstruction of Congress" for repeatedly pointing out, with complete accuracy, that his opponents are liars and fools. In other words, he's being impeached for doing exactly what he was elected to do.

We're hoping that this is all the fetid calm before the real storm of the Durham report, which will possibly bring criminal charges against the whole seditious mob that's been undermining our government and country for years (and quite likely decades).

For now, all we can do is wait, grit our teeth, and focus on other things while adding "political Armageddon" to our Christmas wish lists.