In her ongoing effort to solve the border crisis without actually getting anywhere near the border or interacting with anyone remotely associated with the out-of-control situation, Vice President Kamala Harris recently flew to Guatemala to deliver an important message to potential illegal immigrants.
"Do not come!" she said in clear and unmistakable terms. "Do not come...to the land of opportunity where you will be warmly welcomed, be given food, shelter, a smartphone, premium cable and high-speed Internet, regular infusions of walking around money, free transportation anywhere in the country, and a beautiful new pre-filled voter registration card." Well that should keep them home, right?
Not, of course, that Kamala wasn't willing to sweeten the deal a little by offering more billions of American taxpayer dollars to Guatemala to make it into such a wonderful place that no one would ever, ever, ever want to leave, in much the same way that Dorothy Gale eventually decided to just stay in Kansas.
But perhaps Ms. Harris would have better results if she simply terrified potential immigrants by reminding them that the United States is absolutely teeming with horrible white people. A problem that still hasn't been solved, even though a Yale lecturer recently offered some interesting ideas...
Yale's School of Medicine recently invited Dr. Aruna Khilanani to speak at a weekly forum on mental health (although it was perhaps unclear whether they were for it or against it). During a lecture called "
The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind," Dr. Khilanani bonded with the audience by sharing her personal perspective:
"I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way," she explained, "burying their body and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step, like I did the world a f*cking favor." She also described white Americans as "demented, violent predators" after which she called kettles black.
While her audience called her remarks "absolutely brilliant" and said she gave "voice to us as people of color," Dr. Khilanani's opinions have not always been so well received. For instance, her white therapist had previously called her foam-flecked anger about perceived racism "psychotic." But sadly, that condition is now indistinguishable from academic expertise in the Ivy League.
But is it actually a problem to ignore insanely violent rhetoric in a lecture setting? Seriously, what's the worst that could happen? Oh yeah, another Fort Hood massacre:
From The Vault: Prophet And Loss Statement (8/7/13)
In an opening statement at his military trial, Fort Hood terrorist Nidal Hassan - who is presenting his own defense - said that he is a "mujahideen," and that "
the evidence will clearly show that I am the shooter. The dead bodies will show that war is an ugly thing."
In response, the prosecution said "no further evidence," after which a firing squad composed of recovering Fort Hood survivors stood, took aim with their rifles, then blew Hassan into the land of imaginary virgins.
Just kidding, of course. Although the scenario above makes perfect sense to
Hope n' Change, the reality is that the trial is expected to take at least a month, and perhaps
several months - during which time Hassan will denigrate the United States, our military, Fort Hood, and his multiple victims (some of whom he's actually
calling to the stand), while praising radical, militant Islam and the glories of executing his fellow soldiers in the name of Allah.
All of which is a huge waste of time and money, an insult to
both the dead and the survivors, and a scathing rebuke of Barack Hussein Obama's contention that poor old Nidal was nothing more than a disgruntled worker who had a bad day at the office - and that the rivers of blood which flowed that day had
nothing to do with the president's cherished "religion of peace."
One thing is certain: that blood flowed in no small part because this president has made it clear that he won't tolerate "discrimination" against Muslims, including those who print business cards that say "Soldier of Allah," and who give
Powerpoint presentations describing the way they'll behead infidels and pour boiling oil down their throats.Put another way, Benghazi was only the tip of the iceberg: Obama has
already given the "stand down" order for our military to protect itself from the Nidal Hassans of this world.
another trial is in order to find out why.