To the surprise of pretty much no one, the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh erupted in shouts, shrieks, motions, emotions, and parliamentary nonsense before the judge's name was even announced.
Democrats, in what apparently was a pre-planned move to sabotage the proceedings, called for immediate adjournment in order to give them more time to slowly and thoughtfully pore over every word ever written by or about the nominee - a rather odd change of pace for the party which heretofore embraced the "pass it to see what's in it" policy of avoiding any actual reading.
Fetus-hating hecklers, sadly deprived of their pussy hats, also screamed hysterically from the gallery before being dragged out forcibly by security personnel, prompting Democrat Dick Durbin to admiringly characterize their shrill attacks as "the noise of Democracy." A noise which we think might be well matched with the ball-gag of decorum.
The hearings have a long way to go, but we're off to a predictably ridiculous and depressing start to a process which should be conducted with a degree of solemnity and seriousness of purpose. The very qualities we're hoping to see Judge Kavanaugh bring to the Supreme Court as soon as possible.
America's ongoing quest to always have something to be hyperventilating about has temporarily been satisfied by the announcement that Nike has named Colin "Kneepads" Kaepernick as their newest "Just Do It" spokesperson. Which is more than a little ironic, considering he wouldn't take that simple advice when it came to showing respect for our national anthem.
Nike's choice of Kaepernick certainly generated the publicity they were hoping for, but has also caused a few minor drawbacks. Specifically, a nearly $4 billion drop in their stock market value as well as a boom in highly entertaining Youtube videos in which people find creative ways to set Nike products on fire.
We also find a certain irony in Nike's desire to use Kaepernick to demonstrate their sense of "woke" social consciousness, considering that any of the underpaid sweatshop laborers who make their products overseas would probably be flogged senseless for staging a knee-bending protest during working hours.
But in the immortal words of Rhett Butler, we frankly don't give a damn about Nike, Kaepernick, or the horse they rode in on. And as far as a boycott of Nike products go, we enthusiastically say "Just do it."
I'm a Tred-Safe man, myself. But then, I spent decades actually working for a living, and not as a spoiled millionaire playing games...
My two boys, both athletes, 16 and 13, love Nike....shirts, shorts, socks, shoes, footballs, etc.
I have spent hundreds, perhaps a thousand or more on clothing and equipment with the "swhoosh" logo.
No more!!
Nike just screwed themselves. They get not one more of my hard earned dollars!
We have choices and the best way to say, "FU" is cut their funding!
Good luck to "Colin what's his name".
Jim, "Cool Breeze" Gould
Here's something else that should come as "no surprise".
Q. What's the difference between an inside protester and an outside protester?
A. Nothing a little cash can't take care of. But you have to be an inside protester first.
I wish I bought Nike's stuff so I could boycott them!
After the nike fiasco Levi Strauss said hold my beer and watch this .....and went anti gun ......
Wrangler and Dickies are dancing in the street ........
eons ago, as a teen, I finally convinced my Mom to buy me real name brand tennies for school. I got Adidas leather athletic shoes and was able to wear them for the whole year plus summer vacation and into the next school year!
The next school year, for track, Mom bought me a pair of Nikes and I stepped through the sides at track practice (well it was run by the moron football coach that year, his methods were ignorant) so Mom raised 7 kinds of hell and got a refund, a second pair of Adidas, and we never bought another pair of the crappy over priced Nike products.
Hrumph! Someone needs to unionize all them nike factories overseas. That'll learn 'em.
Looks as if there may well another 'Borked' going on in DC. Pass the popcorn, it's going to get interesting.
Someone has created a meme using the same words but with Pat Tillman's face - powerful.
As someone who has spent most of my life wearing plain black pocket t-shirts, $12 Walmart jeans and tennis shoes, I would feel uncomfortable wearing anything with a prominent company logo - Nike or otherwise.
In fact, I feel that to do so the clothing or shoes would have to not only be free, but the company in question would need to pay me a commission for the advertisement I'd be giving them.
First, are the progressive-infested democrats really this stupid? Sure given the chance, Sen. Blumenthal will act (but does he think?) like an ass on any given day, especially in front of cameras, but the paid protesters too? All I can see coming out of this, especially if it continues today and onwards is driving some democratic Senators past party lines and vote for confirmation in order to save their own skins/jobs. And the more this circus continues, the more it will serve only to energize the Republican voter base to get out and vote for the mid-terms (we're just a coupe of months away folks).
You might BTW (or might not care) how the usual suspects (Code Pink, continually wind up in the peanut gallery at these high-profile hearings. Back in the day, working in DC, I needed to attend hearings myself and learned there is a line place holding service industry here. One calls up, makes a 'reservation' and some schmuck who probably has little to no skin in the game shows up at the committee hearing room door, sometimes a day or so in advance in the case of a high-profile hearing. Then the person who hired them for the service shows up takes the place in line and then gets admitted. Sort of like the building union here who can be seen around town at a site where non-union labor is being used. They grab people off the street and have them walk around chanting whatever nonsense they've been asked(paid) to chant.
My own prediction is that should Kavanaugh be confirmed (and it'll probably be by a hair0, the next step for these Nazi/Communist like protesters(wonder if they realize whose tactics they are borrowing) could very well be to try to disrupt his swearing in and him taking his seat on the bench.
Last I am going to check to see if there is any Nike wear here. If there is, its headed for the trash. It'll be interesting/gratifying perhaps to see what Nike stock will do today. And this link below should serve as a reminder that business should avoid mixing politics with their business. And I prefer Under Armor myself.
What Jim Irre said ... I don't buy their products now, so it isn't much of a sacrifice on my part to not buy them in the future ... but I wont.
Yes, the lefties have begun their patented obstructionist hissy fits so it's not really surprising, just amusing. It's amazing to me how how they are not embarrassed by these antics. One good thing that did come out of this was a great speech from Ben Sasse outlining how far off the rails our Republic has gone. Recommended viewing for sure.
As for Levis, I haven't worn them since they became "designer" jeans that fall apart after 6 months or less of wear. Never worn Nike, when I was a kid it was Converse All Stars that were worn by all the cool kids.
Buh bye no-Likey stuff.
(1) Why Chairman Grassley didn't simply clear the audience from the hearing room is a mystery to me. Either that, or he should have supplied a room next door with a ball-pit, skeeball ramps, and free pizza slices; all with appropriate costumed figures wandering about and shaking hands/paws. One way or the other, we'd have gotten some more decorum. Though I'm sure Blumenthal, being a Connecticut man, would have wanted white clam apizza. (It's a Connecticut thing, folks.)
(2) As for Nike, I suppose you have to consider: who are the folks that are buying their (overpriced) sneakers and sports apparel? Once you know the answer to that, you know the answer as to why they're pushing Colin K. Ditto the Messrs. Levi Strauss & Co., which last I looked was HQ in the Oakland area, which probably says much.
Fact is sometimes stranger than fiction. A link to a job posting on a local jobs board.
Another excellent post but I note that Facebook is no longer reminding me each time you put something up. How come?
I ask because I would like to help other people see your stuff. I had presumed that I would get reminders for everything because I had "liked" your work.
Is there something going on that we should know about?
I just now took a peek at the boob tube, and it appears that the howling mob is up to the same antics as yesterday, likewise the gallery protesters. As per EOC above, why in the hell is Grassley putting up with this fascist insanity? Clear the gallery now, and move to the Senate floor for a vote tomorrow. Enough is enough.
".. why in the hell is Grassley putting up with this fascist insanity?"
Its called giving them enough rope to hang themselves.
Good take on the Nike move at The Last Refuge. Nike bought Converse in 2003.
I bet Kaepernick's gal pal scored a ton of Nike hijabs too
Lordy, I cannot believe I am saying this, but Jerry Jones was right in trying to replace Commissioner Roger Goodell. Because he did not nip this kneeing thing the first time it happened, it took on a life of its own and now has ruined the NFL and other sports are following the trend. On the other hand, I would sure like film of one doing this disparaging at a NASCAR race meet.
Meanwhile, the NFL lost $500 million last year with more losses coming in this year.
Nike with their $4B loss will have to account for this asinine decision but Japan still hate America so not a stretch that they would punch us in the eye with a sharp stick.
On the SCOTUS hearings, every protester had a ticket from a Senator. Does that surprise you?
Do those disgusting, useful idiots being paid to disrupt the Senate hearings on Kavanaugh really think they are adults? They should be escorted out as soon as they open their mouths, as all unruly children are. I've never seen such insanity.
As for nike......I had a pair of their shoes about 45 years ago. The only product I ever bought or will buy of their's. I agree with Sortahwitte...all the logo branded merchandise should pay us to wear the crap.
I don't like professional sports, especially on TV and I know millions do, but why would anyone pay outrageous prices to watch outrageously overpaid, nearly brain dead adults play a child's game? I don't get it. And I don't get why the team owners allow these babies to have their way. I've had jobs where the management had rules...dress codes, etc. and it was just part of accepting their terms or hit the road. WTF
Reminiscent of the Calhoun caning of Brooks in 1856... tempers are flaring, civilities are out the window and war is imminent.
About time for America's next enema.
The Kavanaugh Beclownment: Kavanaugh's confirmation is inevitable, but we really shouldn't be surprised by the circus and sideshows being put on by the left. After all, they need to keep their base energized for the mid-terms.
I especially like the "Handsmaid Tale" ladies in the gallery. Shouldn't they have been beaten for showing up unescorted? (Or am I confusing religions?)
But there's another more cynical strategy going on here: To discourage any sane individual from ever considering aspirations to be on the Supreme Court, or to hold any high office. What sane person would want to put themselves, their families and loved ones, friends, favorite local dining establishments or dry cleaners through what is now standard procedural punishment? This is why it's going to get harder and harder to get good, honest, quality people to fill these jobs.
Just Screw It: I guess we no longer have to imagine an age where a country gets its moral guidance about social injustice from multi-millionaire NFL players better known for their personal arrest records than being upstanding citizens. But I assume it was the logical progression from formerly getting our collective conscious from Hollywood and the music industry.
Clearly, Nike has made a carefully calculated business decision. They certainly know that making Kaepernick the face of their company is going to annoy-to-enrage the deplorables. But they also have an army of MBAs with spreadsheets showing that the deplorables don't really buy all that much overpriced Nike stuff. The real money is with the younger crowd more concerned about empty virtue signalling and appearing hip and correct. Also, Nike has long-term contracts locked in with countless sports teams, events and venues that wouldn't dare cancel those contracts over this. Imagine the optics; "University of Non-Political Correctness cuts association with Nike over their employment of civil rights activist hero." Not going to happen.
Cynical, but that's the game their playing. And they're happy to take a short-term 3% hit on their market cap for the long-term strategy. Will it work out? We'll have to revisit this in a year to see if it did.
Clearly, this is not without risk. As many companies have learned over recent decades, it's very dangerous to tie your company's image to a single individual. (Think "Steven" from Dell or Bill Cosby to Jello, or the Democrats to the Clintons. Nike got bit big time when they went all-in with downhill skier Body Miller at the 2006 Olympics which was a big, expensive, embarrassing dud) It's even more dangerous when that individual is less than intelligent, stable, or has a political agenda. It's hard to imagine today, but at some point Kaepernick could say or do something that could really come back to bite Nike. Nike is betting that what Kaepernick really believes in and won't be interested in sacrificing is his Nike paycheck.
In the meantime, we'll just have to enjoy the memefest that's taking place. Humor pointing out the absurdity of this is the best weapon, and probably the only weapon we have.
And I absolutely love your point about Nike's turd-world sweatshop workers ability to "take a knee" for anything other than a beating. I'm waiting for someone in the media to ask Kaepernick about that. But I'm not holding my breath.
Decades ago when Doonesbury was at least interesting if not funny, Garry Trudeau was relentless with Nike. Now that he's no more than a tool for the far-left who has long since lost interest in speaking "truth to power", dare I hope for him to mock both Nike & Kaepernick. I probably shouldn't.
Can't comment on Nike's stock price now, but checking before noon, it has not recovered from where it fell to yesterday.
The Democrats are whining that they didn't have time to read everything about Kavanagh. Really? The only thing Democrats are interested in reading are their kickback checks, poll numbers and dirt on the opponent.
Sure, Nike's biggest consumers are teeny-boppers trying to look cool to their buds, but who actually PAYS for their crap?! I'm thinking this is not going to be Nike's most brilliant marketing move, and Colon Crapperdick will be looking for work again soon. Leastways, I hope so.
I actually like the fit of Levi jeans a lot, but as Geoff King pointed out, they are NOT worth the money.
I repeat myself, why in the world are companies (and politicians for that matter) so willing to just write off half the population. I do not understand!
The saddest part of that disgusting spectacle yesterday was seeing Judge Kavanaugh's parents, wife and kids proudly sitting next to him to be witness to this historic event only to be disrespected by these despicable Dims so much so that the girls had to be rushed out of the room. Remember this whole charade has nothing to do with the judge himself. It's all about posturing for the rabid Dim base and deep-pocketed donors. How they can demand delays to read documentation when they're already on the record stating their intentions to vote no just escapes logic.
As far as Nike is concerned, it is troubling to me that a company has a business model to intentionally discourage a subset of customers. It just doesn't make sense. If I were a shareholder (and I seriously hope I'm not), that would be a sign that this company doesn't want me as an owner. It's baffling.
“I no likey nike.”
I expect the Dems to show up naked for the next act, covered with woad of course.
As for Nike: "Just screw 'em"
Wonder if there's anyone who can still say "the world's greatest deliberative body" with a straight face?
@Tricky Ricky:
Why doesn't Grassely clear the gallery? Perhaps it is to allow the rest of the country to see how deranged the progressive/socialist party has become. No sense of decorum or even sanity in some instances. Let the fools show themselves for what they are so reasonable folks can avoid allowing them to take control.
@Readers- Wow, you're way ahead of me again today. Too many good comments above for me to respond to all of them, so I'll just say a blanket "well done!" and try to keep up with new posts!
@Jack Weigman- Actually, I think the Facebook failing is my fault. Sometimes I post the new content to FB and other times I forget to. After reading your comment, I DID add today's stuff to Facebook - so hopefully more people will get a chance to see it.
Something you have never seen before? You got to watch this short video of Congressman
Billy Long auctioning to shut down a protestor. This one will never be forgotten.
For the most part I really couldn't care less what Kapernick does or doesn't do. I am not watching the NFL nor do I intend to anytime in the near future(I have a real problem with over paid ball players think that their opinions really matter). However I would be hard pressed to truly express the visceral anger I had when I saw that ad with those words. The words "How dare they." don't even begin to touch my anger. If I never even see a nike product again it won't hurt my feelings. I almost wish someone would try and tell me that "Oh they don't mean to disparage our Vets." It might be fun for someone at a distance to watch but I wouldn't bet on it. I was just at my Adjutant Generals building to turn in some paperwork for my retirement and in the foyer there are plaques/posters hanging in there of the SC National Guard members who have been killed in the war on terrorism. Some of them have been in units I have been in and a few I have served closely with. Even as I write this it brings tears to my eyes and my BP is going way up. Most of these players don't have a clue what they are really doing/protesting and I think they are the ones I really don't like because they are just doing it for the publicity not any kind of honor/cause. I may respect those who truly have a cause even if I don't agree with them at least they are honest about what they are protesting.
I need to have a glass of Knob Creek smoked maple whiskey to take the edge off.
Never bought anything Nike; and don't think I have anything with the Swoosh, not even a gimme shirt or cap. I'm OK with this being the start of swoosh right out of the business at least in the US.
This got me to thinking: I'm not wearing any man's name as a brand name on my shorts either. And I'm not entirely comfortable with "Fruit of the Loom".
...well Rod, at least it's not Loom of the Fruit...:)
I read that Nike wanted to increase their sales to a more urban customer base. I'm sure they will, now.
Booker be like-
Headed down to the local surplus store tomorrow and pick up a couple pair of Dickies relaxed fits. No Levis around here, never. As for KK and his meat puppet, we all know who's on top when they hit the sack........
I stopped buying Levis when I found out that they support gun-grabbing groups. That was about 30years ago. They can pack sand.
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