President Liz (presumably in full feathered headdress) would introduce a concept she calls "accountable capitalism," which the Wall Street Journal succinctly summarizes as a plan which is "an assault on retiree wealth" which would "destroy savings built over a lifetime and sink the economy."
In other words, every large company in America will go belly up, taking retirement investments with them.
All considered, we'd prefer to have the maniac with the hockey mask running our economic policies rather than any of the ten Marxist candidates who are currently giving us goosebumps.
We watched quite a bit of the debate (well, all we could stand), and it was even more disturbing than we expected it to be. So much anger and hatred. So many lies. So much loathing of our country and disparagement of large portions of our citizenry.
Not to overstate the case, but if any of these candidates wins the presidency we can kiss the American experiment goodbye.