Monday, February 27, 2017

And Now, On With The Show!

stilton's place, stilton, jarlsberg, conservative, comedy, news, hope n' change, trump, lefty lucy
Funny, we thought your generation knew ALL the four letter words...
Well, that didn't take long, did it? Only one month after wrapping up Hope n' Change, here I am with a brand new (yet hauntingly familiar) blog! Which may raise some questions on your part, like...

"What the heck made you change your mind about doing a blog again?"

Several things. First and foremost, it turns out that I really missed being in touch with the great HnC community. I was made keenly aware of this fact when I decided to purge the various lifelong friends on Facebook who, post-election, were declaring me and my ilk (note: you are that ilk) to be fascists, racists, pussy-grabbers, and haters. After which I had nobody left to talk to online, which was relaxing but boring.

"Why not just continue doing Hope n' Change Cartoons?"

We are now living in a very different political world and it just didn't feel right. Hope n' Change had a specific mission, which was to see Barack Obama removed from office (and simultaneously point out the myriad foibles and failings of those on the Left). Mission accomplished - albeit the hard way.

The dynamic now is very different. Donald Trump is Presidenting like he has a roman candle shooting out of his rear end, which is sometimes good, sometimes bad, and always (gulp) exciting. Meanwhile, those on the Left have upped their game from "insane" to "criminally insane," having conniption fits over the slightest of upsets and calling for the blood of conservatives to flow in the streets. Yikes!

It's an uglier and more intense battlefield than it was before, and frankly I've reached an age where I don't need the stress of swinging that vorpal sword three times a week.

"But Stilton - you look so young, vigorous, and handsome! And you've lost some weight, right?"

Yes, a little - thank you for noticing. But as I was saying, I just wasn't in the mood to get back into obsessing over the news and doing 3 cartoons and full-length commentaries every week for another run of 4 to 8 years. And various HnC stalwarts have told me that they'd still like to hang out, but would also like an occasional break from politics.

Ergo - Stilton's Place. I'll post something every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A cartoon, a graphic, an editorial, or whatever else strikes my fancy (I really should protect my fancy by wearing a cup). The subject may be politics, entertainment, venting about home repairs, doctor visits, or arguing that "The Kid from Borneo" was the best ever episode of The Little Rascals (fact). Or maybe I'll just declare it to be an "open microphone" day with YOU supplying the topics in the comments area!

"Is it still confusing how we REACH the darn comments area?"

Think of it as the intellectual equivalent of Trump's border wall, intended to keep out riff-raff, rapists, and ruffians.

To comment, you just need to click on the title above the day's post (in this case: "And Now, On With The Show") or click on the number of comments shown at the bottom of the post. That will take you to a fresh page where you can frolic, gambol, and commune with old friends from HnC and hopefully new friends who are looking for an online oasis of erudition, goodwill, and general wise-assery.

"Will you occasionally create new political cartoons under the Hope n' Change banner?"

Why, yes! How insightful of you to ask...!

stilton's place, stilton, jarlsberg, conservative, comedy, news, hope n' change, trump, immigrants, illegal aliens, pipeline
Sadly, someone already beat me to declaring CNN to be the Clown News Network.
Such cartoons will be posted here and (probably) on Facebook. They will not be published at the old HnC site, which is going to be preserved as a standalone archive: my very own version of the Barry Soetoro Presidential Library and Progressive Holocaust Museum. 

"Is this new site entirely finished and running like a Swiss watch?"

No. I'll be tweaking the look and function for awhile (with your help). But I didn't want "perfect to be the enemy of the good" (especially since I find web design baffling) and so opted to get this site running as soon as possible.

" it good to be back?"

Yes. Very good. And it's good to have you back, too - I'll see you in the comments section!


Earl Allison said...

Glad to see you back, Stilton!

Jim Irre said...

You missed us! How quaint!
Good to have you back! We'll need someone to commiserate with us over the bombast that is The Donald and Sean "Spicey" Spicer.
Lead on, oh fearless one!

Unknown said...

Great to have you back in the saddle!! Looking forward to buckets of laughter and pithy political pointers!!


Bob Stockton said...

Let 'er rip!

docretired said...

Glad u be bak, Cheese-guy! Retired old white doc in Phils, who just loves all the brown wimmins here!

Mindless Blather said...

Never been much of a "commentor" but always enjoyed your ... 'work'(?).
Glad to see you're back and look forward to your usual wit and humor.

dogbrain said...

Welcome Back Stilton!

This insane world desperately needs your sense of humor and mockery.

Occasionally, I point out to people that what passes for news announcements today could have come directly from "SNL NEWS" (Belushi Aykroyd era) which would have the audience rolling in the aisles. They stare at me with a clueless look - like what was my point.

People (especially progressives) have lost all calibration regarding history and humor.


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back . . . You were missed (but our aim is getting better!).

Ed G. Mann said...

Yeah, can't stay away from the fun and frolic, the nekkid wimmen and the free booze. What makes the really free press so great.

Judi King said...

So glad you're back. Trying to vent on other blogs was SO unsatisfying because they usually don't get me.

John Gaultcsa said...

Welcome back Stilton. Without your sarcasm & wit, sadly, the rest of the internet was "Not Much of a Cheese Shop" -

G Cooper said...

Thank goodness, you're back! Now maybe my life will return to "normal"! Now we are back to real news, instead of the fake stuff.

Anonymous said...

Man! Withdrawal is soooo tough!
I'll quit shaking soon!
Welcome Back Sir!
Welcome Back!

Unknown said...

Glad you are back. Being a Luddite on all this tech stuff, how do I subscribe to getting an email when you post a new article?

Griffin said...

What kind of comments page IS this? Couldn't find one thing to disagree with.

L.C.Clower said...

Here to celebrate the further decomposition of the Demoncrats.

Unknown said...

Welcome back!

Roger Myers said...

I started today with a smile, thank you.

Geoff King said...

It was a tough month without your blog. The entire internet seemed totally bland. Thanks for the revival.

Jack Wiegman said...

I was so lonely!

Bruce O'Hara said...

Ahh,I knew you couldn't stay away for long when I first read your notice about shutting down H&C. I was right about Obama, and I was right about you :-)
Thanks Stilton, I'm really glad about the new site!

Davis said...

Racist xenophobic mysogynistic homophobic Nazi...

There. Now that we got that out of the way, on with the show!

Fred Ciampi said...

Yaayyyy for Stilt. Welcome baaaacccckkkkk..... And, it was just on time. I was almost out of moonshine and the trail to my still is still snowed in. Now we can get all the news that's fit to eat ... I mean read. Again, welcome back.

Nifter said...

YAY!! Stiltons back. I no longer have to wake up in a puddle of tears.

Craig F. Owings said...

Thank you, Stilton, for "staying in the fight" with your unique brand of humor and insight.

Bob James said...

Yeah !!! So great to have you back !!

Thanks for all your efforts to give "Us good ole Boys" a grin

Uncle Bob

Anonymous said...

Ah, it was a brief drought, but now it's over and you're back. Yay.

james daily said...

Dittos on missing your most excellent humor. Without Stilt, the world was on tilt.
(well, gamblers will understand the alliteration.) You were missed. We look forward to your new endeavor.

Chuck Baker (Macon) said...

Excellent! I now have my number one stop, again. It's like an early birthday present (which is tomorrow ... the 23rd anniversary of my 39th birthday). Welcome back, and thank you!.

Will you be creating a new mailing for this site or will you just continue the Hope n' Change one?

So glad you're back ... and I like what you've done with the place. Please give Penny a treat for us, and a hearty thanks to Mrs., Jarlsberg for sharing you with us.

Unknown said...


Rod Amundson said...

I take back all the nasty thoughts I had about you when you decided to deprive us of new material at HnC. Thank you for returning, although it has been a hoot watching all the pointy little liberal heads exploding I missed your humor. Glad you're back

chef621 said...

What a pleasant surprise this morning! Great to see you again Stilt and all of the "commentiers". I missed all of you guys! Now I have something to look forward to again! When you're 80 you don't have a lot to look forward to. Every bit of humor helps!

I finally figured out what could be done with the detention camps that are built around the US in various places. Fill em full of the crazies that are rioting and burning. Or else deport em to Antarctica. They don't deserve to live in the USA.

Welcome back Stilt!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back. Looking forward seeing you in my email again.

YHS said...

welcome back!!

REM1875 said...

Howdy Doc Welcome home -we need ya - strange as it may be you have kinda created an island of sanity in a world with little --- Thank You.

Anonymous said...

What a relief...... I was getting both angry and frustrated with the non stop nonsense of the main stream media. Great to have you back!

Anonymous said...

Glad to have received the e-mail about the new site this morning! Welcome back!!

Dave said...

Once again, I have a reason to look forward to the week. Thanks Doc. I just read that the Oscar ceremony people announced the wrong picture for the worst picture award. The leftists in their own la-la-land couldn't even get that right. I won't watch that drivel, and intellectual wasteland. What other profession (term used loosely) has a big ceremony to pat themselves on the back?
Dave in New London WI.

Larry Hoffman said...

With the left out of power, they are out of control and crazier than ever. The well you are drawing from for entertaining and informing readers is overflowing. Liberals will continue to make your job so easy. Daily they prove that Liberalism is a mental disorder and they will continue to hurt the ones they like and help the ones they hate.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! This is fantastic. Now I can breathe a little easier, knowing that there is still a little humor left in the world. Lefties can't laugh.

Anonymous said...

Will one be automatically set up to receive "Stilton's Place" if one automatically received "Hope n' Change" emails?
I cannot find a place to request the new updates.
Thank you for the last years.

Dilbertnomore said...

Thanks for continuing to swim with the sharks. You are the Great White!

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

Consider yourself plugged on FB and added to the Belfry Webcomics List! :D

Anonymous said...

God is indeed good.

David in SoCal said...

Top-o-the marnin' to ya Stilty! What a great day it is in America today; you be back! Hope you enjoyed you well deserved time off, you and family are doing well, and we all welcome you back with open arms!(and open bottles as well) Now git ta work with that sword of justice, and fell those pesky Liberal Jabberwock's with a glorious "Snicker-Snack". Love ya brother!

Anonymous said...

I'm smiling again this morning, my wife thinks it was because of last night. Good to have you back Stilton!

Kitty said...

The sun shines more brightly this morning, dear Stilton! Whew! The week can start now.

elseebee said...

Oh, this is the BEST Monday in weeks! So glad to have you back! Now I can start my days with a chuckle and know that I'm not totally insane (as the lest-wing media would like me to believe). Welcome back,, Stilton!

mjloehrer said...

So happy you're back. Stilton withdrawal has gone away and I couldn't be happier.

Anonymous said...

Now I can have my morning coffee again - I'll have something to read. More importantly, I'll have something to force that caffeine through my sinuses!

Welcome back!

Ellen said...

SOOOOO happy! Something to look forward to in my emails again.

Unknown said...

Really great to see you back again, I look forward to your comments in my Email ,that's the hi lite of my day, seems we agree on everything even though I'm old enough to be your grand pa.

Average Joe said...

Thanks for returning - I was gettin' the withdrawal shivers. Life is too short to listen to the crap out there. I'd much rather listen to the crap here. At least it's conservative crap.

Dick said...

Welcome back!!!
This is exciting stuff. I missed you.

JIim Rosasco, Melbourne Beach, FL said...

I'm glad you're back. I missed the break from all the fake news and liberal B.S. It's also nice to actually receive an email I like and look forward to.

Rockpilot said...

Glad you're back. You must comment on the foul up of the presentation for the best picture Oscar by the brain dead lefty, Warren Batty. It was priceless.

smokepole said...

Whooo Hooo !!
I'm happy again...
Keep up the good work; I missed you ...

Callindril Coramonde said...

...and the world now looks a little less shitty...

Welcome Back!!!

BarbaCat said...


Now I can enjoy my morning coffee...if I don't snort it!

You were so, so missed!!

Sam L. said...

When you said Borneo, I just knew it was the "Yum, yum, eat 'em up" guy. The only other one (s?) I really recall was "Free Wheelin'" and one of the kids saying "Re-marrrr-ka-ble". Ah, afternoon TV.

"Is this new site entirely finished and running like a Swiss watch?" We'll be satisfied if it runs like a Timex: "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking."

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise!

Welcome back, Mr. Stilton.

AmyH said...


Anonymous said...

It's good to see your blog back.


Dick Lowman said...

Great news. Thank you.

American Cowboy said... is great to see you back!

Greg said...

Glad you're back, Stilton. Looking forward to more smart commentary.

Fritzchen said...

Welcome back, Kotter!

Phoebe said...

I've never posted comments on this blog before, even though I've been faithfully following it for some time. But I just HAD to join the "Welcome Back" chorus, because when you said farewell I found myself wanting to find a safe space and a coloring book and a puppy to cry into. Or maybe a safe puppy and a coloring space and and a book to cry into ... or something. But then I remembered that I'm a grownup. So I suffered stoically. But now you're back, you're back, huzzah and huzzah! Thank you!

Reblane27 said...

What Phoebe said...Welcome back!

Mike aka Proof said...

Welcome back, Stilt! Like the new look. Now get back to work! : )

Bobo the Hobo said...

Yay, you're back! Now I can finally feel I have completely read political news every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Ol'Jimbo said...

Glad to have you back. Let's keep the bastards on the run!

Really Really Enraged said...


Geoff King said...

Re: the new look. In the mobile version (the only internet I have) the red star fields run right through the comments and make them harder to read. A little annoying, but I can live with it. Also, I can demand that my smartphone give me the full web version, which does not have that problem. Just another step to truly enjoy my favorite blog.

Redleg said...

He's Baack

Sarah Rolph said...

YAY! Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Some days, you go to church on Sunday, and your prayers ARE answered. Welcome back. Made my day, week, month, year - made me smile.

MDVickery said...

Finally some relief for my delirious tremors. I find facistbook to be annoying and so didn't see your postings there very often - or at least often enough. Your humorous and inciting observations provide both inspiration and confirmation that I am not alone in wondering just what the hell is happening to this country I love.

TrickyRicky said...

What a great surprise when I opened my email this morning and was informed that Stilton's Place is open for business. It makes for a memorable Monday! Yay!

Blksqurl said...

If we were subscribed to Hope and Change will that carry over to your new blog?
Do we need to resubscribe (redundantly).

Boligat said...

31 days. 31 dry days. 31 dry, dusty days. 31 dry, dusty days crawling through the sand. 31 dry, dusty days crawling through the sand looking for water; chasing one mirage after another. Hot. Dry. Miserable. Depressing. Frantic. Afraid the end is near. Suddenly something appears on the horizon. It looks like an oasis, but is it only a mirage? Crawl. One. Crawl. Last. Crawl. Effort. Plunge into the water and I see Lefty Lucy cavorting in the shallows. All I need now is to have Busty Ross here to offer me a cool drink and a tender touch on my fevered brow. But, it is good. It is no mirage. I'm in my home away from home. I'm at the feet of a clown. A ridiculous clown holding a sign: Stilton's Place. It looks oddly out of place in the vast dry desert, but it's home. Ahhhhh, Stilty, you've done it again.

ChuckD said...

So glad you are back sir!! Keep that vorpal sword sharp, the progressive liberal agenda needs a good snicker-snack!

Anonymous said...

....missed your riotous blog, HnC. very happy to see you back with this new blog. Looking forward to MWF mornings, again!

George said...

Having just retired last week, I was concerned with how I would spend some of this free time. Prayers = Answered. Stilton's Place looks to be just that ticket! Glad you're back in the fold, truly the voice of reason in an increasingly unreasonable country. If anyone needed further proof that liberalism is a disease, I give you the last five weeks!

Navyvet said...

Welcome back. I have never been able to comment before since it always got rejected for whatever reason. I'll try this.

Buck said...

Stilton it's awesome to have you back!!

Old Cannonballs said...

I live on the Left Coast, where psychopathic killer clowns brainwashing already brain-dead zombies represent the moderate end of the political spectrum. I was wondering how I would be able to retain my sanity with Hope n Change. God bless you sir, and welcome back!

Old Cannonballs said...

Oops. I meant I was wondering how I would be able to retain my sanity WITHOUTHope n Change.

Squidball said...

Thank God (and YOU) you're back. The withdrawal symptoms had become a reality, lost sleep, missed nausea I used to get from Hope n. Change, and a strange feeling that the world was passing me by because of a lack of cynical truth I relied upon in losing arguments with my wife (female, not male :-) ) Looking forward to commenting and especially the was to do so as it seemed almost impossible to comment on Hope n. Change in the past.

John the Econ said...

Welcome back! We've missed you. And not a second too soon as there's so much to talk about.

Let's see, in your neighborhood it appears that doping is now legal in women's sports. Once again, I have to ask exactly which ideology is fronting this War on Women I keep hearing about.

If I was a more insecure sort, I might be questioning my life choices this morning; grasping for meaning in my existence in the wake of Viola Davis's comment that she "...became an artist and thank God I did because we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life." Us non-Hollywood types? We're just fooling ourselves. Our lives are less than well-lived. (Still doesn't explain why half the people in that room of "well-lived" people are drug addicts)

While the Clinton machine supposedly grooms Chelsea to lead the next generation's dynasty, she repeatedly demonstrates why she'll not be up to the task outside of the Idiocracy universe. They really ought to take her Twitter away.

After over a decade, a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives spent, this is still going on in Afghanistan.

And finally, racist Democrats pass over antisemite Keith Ellison to lead the party. I am very disappointed.

Good to be back.

Faith D. said...

Welcome Back! You've been missed.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to your continued humor to brighten my day. Love it and keep on a keepin' on, sir.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Readers- Group hug, everybody! (grin) I'm goosebumps all over (well, I haven't checked all over) from the warm reception and I humbly thank one and all.

To answer a few questions people have brought up, if you're on the Hope n' Change mailing list there's no need to sign up for anything again - you'll get emails regularly. And I'll put up a widget on the Stilton's Place page soon for new people to add their names if they like (it will be the same list). For now, anyone can get on the list by clicking on this link. And of course, you won't miss anything if you just drop by every day.

And leave it to our good friend @John the Econ to throw some political topics into the fray today! Some comments:

Regarding the female-transitioning-to-male wrestler on steroids who just defeated all of the unaugmented female wrestlers in his/her class, it makes me wish that reasonable people could come up with reasonable solutions these days. Clearly, it's not fair to the other wrestlers to compete against this artificially bulked-up specimen, and sometimes what's fair for the many should outweigh what's theoretically fair for a minority of one. Not that I blame the transitioning athlete here; I blame those making the ridiculous rules.

Regarding Viola Davis (who presumably has siblings named Violin, Cello, and Double Bass) declaring that acting is the only profession that "celebrates what it means to live a life," all I can do is laugh at her preposterous self-absorption. I immediately think of people in the medical field, the military, educators (real educators - not snowflake farmers), members of the clergy, and indeed everyone who works to live a moral life and help others. As a sometimes scriptwriter, I never knew I should be taking credit for making actors into Godlike beings.

On the subject of Chelsea Clinton's arrogant idiocy, it seems hauntingly familiar. And I fail to see how it will negatively impact her popularity on the Left.

Sex slavery in Afghanistan? Appalling, of course. As is Keith Ellison, who is now "Deputy" head of the DNC, so that we can enjoy the worst of two anti-white lamebrains.

Dan said...

Welcome back.
Bookmarked the new site even before I read it.

As for testosterone girl, I think at least one of the competing non-doped girls' parents should file suit against the school/athletic system that put on the circus and allowed manly girl to compete. Is there no limit to the idiocy of these people?

Lawfare time. I trust there is some lawyer/group out there that will take this case and sue the hell out of the competition-putter-onner clowns pro bono. (But not pro Chaz Bono.)

Unknown said...

So happy to see you again! You bring joy to a day filled with fear, tension and insanity.

Tots said...

So happy to know I will be able to enjoy the insanity of both sides with the rest of us "ilk".

Thanks for keeping in touch with us Stilton. You and my fellow commenters here help keep me sane... Well, mostly sane.

Joseph ET said...

Already, we can feel the pain and other withdrawal symptoms melting away.
Saved by Dr. Stilton once again. So glad that you are back.

How about a link for us to donate to your booze fund.

Paul D Garber said...

Since Killary lost & CNN hired Van Jones, I was under the opinion that CNN stood for Communist News Network, sigh.

Unknown said...

Glad you're back!

Regnad Kcin said...

Welcome home, Mr. Cheese.......

Emmentaler Limburger said...

Erm, HNC could not POSSIBLY serve as the Øbama Presidential Library. First, there's real information there. Second, it doesn't have a single door with a moon-shaped cutout in it.

Glad you're back, Stilt. The life was just waning outta me without you plugging away on the 'net.

Dusty said...

Yessssss!!! Glad to have you back! :)

Anonymous said...

Sooooo glad your back Stiltson! I miss you something terrible! You made my days worth while... giving me those truthful cartoons made it possible to listen to or read the BS the left had to say. Your like my, wake up read Stiltson get buffed up and immune to the rest of the day's snowflakes attacks. Your my spinach as it was to Popeye... strength, will power, and brain cells! As to Keith Ellison, can you hear me screaming in Minnesota? Thank the Lord he won't be around Duluth, but if he does come to preach, I will have some lovely bacon/ham/egg sandwiches for him or better yet, a quiche with hidden pig parts... it's easy to hide anything in a quiche. Minnesota is not the land of 10,000 lakes... they lie about that, but it is the land of 10,000+ moronic idiotic dumb clueless stupid brainless has to be the first at anything bizarre in a state, kind of snowflakes. A state where they elect has been wrestlers,(Ventura) & guys who wear diapers on Sat. Night Live who get elected and are still in office,(Al Franken) have a Muslim use the Koran to pledge allegiance to our country & state, declares mosquitos a public nuisance, and the snowflakes here are narrow minded, and yet, completely delusional about how great they are. Thanks to Obama not giving seniors a COLA 3 times during his acting career in DC, I'm still stuck in MN. My greatest dream is to move out of this state and to bring Stiltson with me, so I can warm up those goose bumps! MaryInMinnesota If you want to read a great blog on Minnesota, and LYAO at the comments, go to: Minnesota Sucks

Lee The Voice said...

We will miss HnC, but this is a new era, with new brilliance,and stupidity to lampoon. I'm looking forward to the new blog. Glad you're still with us.

NVRick said...

Great to have you back on a regular basis again.
So far, the Trump admin is like a bowl of popcorn. Mostly delicious, but every once in a while you get some caught between your teeth. Generally, you can get it out and things are once again GA*.
I will depend on you to provide the kernels of truth at the bottom of the bowl that the MSM can't seem to find.

*Great Again.

Paul D Garber said...

Hey, I almost forgot to say welcome back & wanted to know if any new PDF file books will be available & how soon. Really enjoy your sense of humor & delight in sharing it with my friends, who are all like me; deplorably moronic basket cases.

NVRick said...

Speaking of lawsuits; I would hope that Autism Speaks slaps the crap out of the @$$#0!e$ who appropriated the puzzle piece logo that has been theirs like forever.
A bunch of flakes using that symbol to brag about being sooo enlightened that they will proudly renounce their supposed superiority makes me sick.
Those idiots don't even realize that by proclaiming they have no "privilege" they are in fact showing that they believe they are proud of that "privilege".

CenTexTim said...

Yay! As the previous 110+ commenters have said, Welcome Back! Now I have a reason (excuse) to have a second cup of 'coffee' MWF mornings.

While you were out of the room, we had this delicious bit of unintended honesty air on MSNBC. Co-host Mika Brzezinski of 'Morning Joe' slipped up and admitted what most of us already knew. Speaking of Donald Trump, she said:

"...he is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job." (emphasis added)

Like they say, you can't make this stuff up.

Steve said...

Welcome back!

Geoff King said...

Yep, here is the song of the day:

Bobo said...

Woo Hoo!!!

JJW said...

Glad to have you back in action, missed you now my life will be whole again

Anonymous said...

Oh, happy day!

Glad you're back, Stilton. It's a bit easier knowing that there are other deplorables out there. :)

tude dog said...

This is a happy day, seeing you back.

Shelly said...

Yay! 'Nuff said.

Cat Mama said...

Glad to have you back. We need a voice of sanity. I'm so confused right now. I was glad to see Obama go. I was higher than a kite when Hillary was defeated. Now I'm petrified about what The Donald will do next.

Does he have a shut-off button???

Vegasray2014 said...

This is great! I totally enjoy your output. Having recently lived outside the USA for approx 47 years then returning only a few years ago, feels like I am living in an alternate universe. Common courtesy that was just a normal thing as I was growing up is hard to find as is common sense. The third world country I was living in doesn't have the sanitation, technology or electrical reliability of the USA but in many ways was better. Trump, warts and all is the best hope we have of keeping our freedom and returning to a thriving land of opportunity for all. If Liberals and Sanders get their way we will turn into another Venezuela.

drjim said...

Welcome back!

pgm1972 said...


You were sorely missed. (Ow! Maybe I should wear a cup till my aim gets better.) :D

And if Oscar won't come to Washington, we'll just have to bring Washington to Oscar.

Granny said...

The fine blue vein of sanity, and the sharp after taste of a delicious, well aged cheese, also adding a cheeky glass of wine grown on a chalky western slope with adequate rainfall and fertilizer will make life civilized again.
Welcome back.

AuntJoy said...

So glad you have returned to grace my PC screen and give me some humor.
You were missed!

Anonymous said...



Yes, I meant to shout. It's worth shouting about.

Anonymous said...

After a longgggg dry spell you're back!!!

LiberTarHeel said...

My WIP replacement title for HnC (I wish it were more pithy, but it is what it is}:

"Make America’s teeth grate again!"

Thank you for returning!

Vince said...

Great to see you back and slaving over the keyboard Stilton!

Hawken Cougar said...

Illegitimi Non Carborundum

Please carry on!

Bluebird Bob said...

Glad to be seeing more of your comments....thank you!!

Greg B. "Yakety Yak" said...

Thank-you, THANK-YOU for returning back to us Stilton! We've missed you terribly! After 8 (no doubt exhausting for you) years of your perceptive insights and spot-on commentary on "Mr. 'Hope n' Change'" himself and his criminal comrades, you certainly earned yourself a well deserved break. I think all of us were frazzled to our wits end after enduring so many lies and endless Orwellian doublespeak during his "reign," (although I sure don't remember hearing about all those "alt-right" violent protests during any of that time.) My Mon, Wed and Fri's just haven't been the same since you began your hiatus, so I am so glad to hear that you will be once again providing the humor and insight me and your other fans need to begin our days with a good dose of laughter, although hopefully with not quite as many tears mixed in as before. You know, even with Trump in the Oval Office, there will never be a shortage of material for you to cover as his many enemies have been providing plenty of good source material ever since Inauguration Day and the P***y Hat "revolution" the following day, and they sure ain't going away any time soon. There will plenty to keep Lefty Lucy and her fellow Libtards in a constant rage. Keep up the great work.

4sleiborg said...

Hey man, we're glad to have you back!

JRMD from Virginia said...

Glad to see you back in/on/or folded over (whichever the case should be) the saddle! Your posts have been missed.

Greg B. "Yakety Yak" said...

P.S. In case any of you Stilt fans are wondering why I put "Yakety Yak" beside my name in my earlier post, it was a reference to a message I sent to Stilt the week after the election (he loved it BTW,) where I rewrote my own version of the lyrics to the 1958 song by the same title The Coasters did where I made them rhyme and fit the theme after Hillary lost the election. I hope all you Stilton's Place readers will enjoy this too. (Stilt: I hope you don't mind me sharing this now with your readers.)

Original lyrics on the left below with my updated current version beside them on the right.

Now, click on that link ( and sing along with me....

Take out the papers and the trash (Take out the Clintons with the trash)
Or you don't get no spendin' cash (cause they been bribin' all that cash)
If you don't scrub that kitchen floor (the deplorables you abhore)
You ain't gonna rock and roll no more (say you not gonna racketeer no more)
Yakety yak (don't talk back) (Yakety yak [don't come back!])

Just finish cleanin' up your room (So take your self and rapist groom)
Let's see that dust fly with that broom (Let's see you fly out on your broom)
Get all that garbage out of sight (Get all your garbage out of sight)
Or you don't go out Friday night (Take back the country from your blight)
Yakety yak (Don't talk back) (Yakety yak [don't come back!])

You just put on your coat and hat (Toss them Mao suits you dirty rat)
And walk yourself to the laundromat (Move outta that fancy New York flat)
And when you finish doin' that (bang out license plates you'll work at)Bring in the dog and put out the cat (Soon you and Huma be doing that)
Yakety yak (Don't talk back) (Yakety yak [don't come back!])

Don't you give me no dirty looks (Tired of your cheatin' and dirty books)
Your father's hip, he knows what cooks (Cause you and Bill ain't nothin' but crooks)
Just tell your hoodlum friend outside (We'll kick all your hoodlum friends aside)
You ain't got time to take a ride (We wanna see Justice tan your hide)
Yakety yak (Don't talk back) (Yakety yak [don't come back!])

Yakety yak (Don't Come Back!)

b_kind2animals said...

Big thumbs up on your triumphant return.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much. The new place goes right to the top of Favorites.
Welcome back. :-D

Colby Muenster said...


Hah! I knew it! You couldn't stand life without the blog.

Actually, I didn't know it, but I hoped it. And just as I turned 65, POW! A spanking brand new, wonderfully crafted place to go laugh and perhaps vent a bit three times a week (or more). It was a fine birthday present indeed, and I'm sure you did it just for me.

Nope, we don't have O'Liar occupying our house in DC anymore, but Lord only knows there are so many things to discuss or lampoon, we could still blog forever.

Thanks again for your decision to resume this endeavor!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Old Bean !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missed you, man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Spin Drift said...

Eric Stratton, Rush Chairman, damned glad you could be here! No really glad to see you back to your old musings Stilton.

Spin Drift

Lotm said...

Life is finally great! BHO & HRC are effectively gone, Trump is Presidential AND, to top it off, Stilton is baaacck!!!!

DrRiff said...

Cool - I'm on board and glad that you are back!

Jerk-irker 01 said...

Makes my day to see you back, Stilton! Same for Lucy, the only Lefty I'd rather silence with smooches than hard facts (although, in her case, I might have to allow myself just one hard fact).

Joe Jetson said...

Welcome Back,, Stilton. The left is so lonney-toons that there MUST be official documentation for future generations.

Alfonso Bedoya said...

Stilton: Glad to see you back, but if throwing yourself into as heavy a schedule (three days/week)as before means that you would need a therapy dog, I would be happy even if you limited your H&C comments to once or twice a month.

RTinWeimar said...

Yea !!!...Stilton's back. Let the games begin.

pdwalker said...

That muse of yours is an awful monkey on your back.

Welcome back! I shall endeavor not to wish ill of you because of your horrible puns.

Susan (rainy) said...

when what to my wondering eyes did appear... It feels like Christmas!
Stilton!! You're back!! :)

RKC62 said...

Hey! Great to see you back (even if I'm a little late to the party)
As an aside, I deeply suspect Barry will be back in the news soon enough as he continues his attempt to derail a democratic United States. Keep the option open to update HnC !

OpenTheDoor said...

Hey Zeus, I finally break the habit, good or bad not judging, you decide to restart the damn mower. Good thing my feet weren't under it.
Ripe cheese is always the best cheese.
Go ahead, cut the cheese.

Christe said...

Just discovered you. How great to be able to joke and laugh again. Thank you I am passing your site on to my friends. We used to be able to do this prior to Obama and not be considered Un correct. That is what this SAFE USA is about: to be seen, to be heard ; to work and to play.