Following disastrous showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, Joe Biden's political survival now hangs on getting a big win in his so-called "firewall" state, South Carolina, with the help of black voters. The problem is that black voters are starting to ask what the hell Democrats in general, and Joe in particular, have ever done for them?
Moreover, no candidate (and we're including Trump in the mix) has a longer record of casually racist-sounding remarks. How else to explain his description of Obama, back in 2007, as "articulate, bright, and clean"? Or his telling an audience of black mayors that a key educational problem in their communities is that black parents "can't read or write themselves." A gaffe that Biden bounced back from, in his own mind, by proclaiming that "poor kids are as bright as white kids."
And in recent months, everyone - including black voters - has been treated to video of Biden speaking to a bunch of black kids at a community swimming pool and telling him that when he was a lifeguard, black kids would stroke the golden hairs on his legs with wonder - presumably the way the natives of Skull Island considered white woman Faye Wray to be a godlike creature.
In that same visit, Biden told the kids that there were a bunch of dangerous black kids at the pool who were lead by a "tough guy named corn pop" who "kept his straight razor in the rain barrel," but that the way a white guy could intimidate such racial rowdies was by threatening them with chains.
Meanwhile, in his first term, Trump has made America better for all minorities than Clueless Joe has done in a decades-spanning career as a political hack...and the voters he most needs know it. Hopefully, South Carolina will be the firewall that protects us all from race hustlers like Biden.
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What he lacks in awareness, he makes up for in enthusiasm |
Joe Biden hosted a Black History Month event at his residence on Monday ("Try the hors d'oeuvres," he insisted, "They're all made with peanut butter!") and as usual ended up with controversial comments sticking to the roof of his mouth.
After years of hearing that taxpayers want him to keep his hands off their "cotton-picking money," Joe apparently came to believe that the money really is picking cotton, singing spirituals, and being held in slavery by the evil rich.
"This cannot stand!" Biden shouted at the invitees, nearly causing his stovepipe hat to topple. "It's not fair!"
"Business experts are saying that the concentration of wealth is stunting growth," Biden continued in a clear reference to former child star Gary Coleman, "So let's do something that's worthy of emancipation!"
Presumably, Biden's idea of emancipation consists of "freeing" money from the capitalist bastards who actually worked for it and using that liberated wealth for something much more important: the funding of the Left's vast, and nearly inescapable, vote-producing entitlement plantations.
Hope n' Change finds it sadly ironic, especially during Black History month, that when our nation got its first black president, he looked at all the possible contenders for vice president...and chose to pick a ninny.
I always figured obummer picked the ninny to make sure no one would assassinate him for fear of getting the ninny as pres.
Joe's done. He's as irrelevant as an ex vice president.
Not on the topic of Biden's run being sabotaged by the lying dog-faced pony soldiers, or could it be Corn Pop's revenge, but I'm wondering if "Chief Doctor Lucky" has a cousin who happens to be a Nigerian prince.
Joe’s problem is he is absolutely clueless to his racism; he actually believes what he’s saying is chivalrous. That bit about his life guarding days is just cringe-worthy.
@Jpb: More likely, a bloody Viking.
@Mike: Veeps have been poison pills for decades. That's why one hasn't been elected President since '88.
Evidently Biden can't even be original in his pandering. In his latest campaign ad he actually stole Hillary Clinton's line and said "we ain't no ways tired".
If I were black or southern, I would be highly insulted. Being white and northern, I am merely disgusted.
"Pick-a-ninny", I see what you did there! 😂
So the @ssholes are headed to South Cackylacky, that's the bad news. Good news is heavy rain should wash their collective stink outta here in no time.
I wonder which one will mega-pander to the blacks and hold a rally at the "historically black" church in Charleston, the scene of the mass shooting.
"black parents "can't read or write themselves." " Finally, Creepy Uncle Joe said something observably true. It's still a gaffe for a politician to say this out loud, though.
* In the DC public school system, one in three eighth graders will go on to graduate high school. Of those, only 40% will be able to read, and 20% will be able to perform addition and subtraction without a calculator.
* Most jobs in the federal government are performed by blacks (mostly women) in DC.
Connect the dots.
Stilt: Please flush “ Chief Dr. Lucky” (above) down the crapper where he so richly deserves to be. How did he get thru the captchas?
Biden would have been the perfect candidate for a Three Stooges movie. His gaffes are funnier than the pearls uttered by Yogi Berra:
If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.
You wouldn’t have won if we’d beaten you.
You should always go to other people’s funerals. Otherwise, they won’t come to yours.
Baseball is 90 percent mental and the other half is physical.
If you can’t imitate him, don’t copy him.
There are some people who, if they don’t already know, you can’t tell ’em.
I never said most of the things I said. Then again, I might have said ’em, but you never know.
Is chief Dr. Lucky the leader of Liz Warren's tribe? Just wondering.
I don't know whether to laugh at Biden or feel sorry for him. Is he on a long wait list for the memory unit?
I'll just leave this here:
I wonder about a society that allowed a nitwit to reach such high ranking positions in government. With such a lack of judgement, the same society could elect for President a community organizer with the gift of gab.
"... pick a ninny."
LMAO! Priceless. Just 19th century priceless. Your daily posts make my day. Keep up the good work.
I can't believe the first consequential decision Obama made was to pick that idiot to be his VP. He might have had the uncanny ability to read a teleprompter and be black but that was all he really had. Ostensibly, the reason he picked Biden was to bolster his lack of any experience in foreign affairs since Joe had "served" on the foreign relations committee. But I tend to agree with Mike above. He was Obama's insurance policy against assassination. In addition to his treasure trove of gaffes, particularly of a racial nature, I honestly believe he is senile. Combine that with the gaffes and his combative nature, he is a recipe for disaster. I also believe Pelosi and her crew's obsession with impeaching Trump did more harm to Biden because it revealed to anyone not watching Fox News just how corrupt he is.
Years ago, a liberal friend of mine admonished me with "Your problem is that you are unable to put yourself in other people's shoes." My typical comeback to that is that I can do that just fine. The Democrat's problem is that they're unable to see what they're actually doing: Projection.
Biden is an excellent case in point. It's mindlessly de rigueur for Democrats to say that Trump is corrupt and a racist. But what kind of dense filter must it take to totally tune out the corruption and racism of Joe Biden? Even in his most unhinged tweets has Trump ever said anything that can compare to the "gaffes" that come out of Joe Biden's mouth on a regular basis? Could you imagine if it were to come out that member of Trump's extended family, much less any blood relations of his were to have received $50,000-a-month no-show jobs days after Trump being elected President? Impeachment would have happened much sooner, and would have likely been successful.
Meanwhile, Democrats seem to be able to either brush this all off or ignore it altogether. One thing it certainly doesn't do is generate any enthusiasm for Joe. No malarkey indeed.
Speaking of Black History Month: Is it me, or does there seem to be less of it this year in the media?
Methinks Slo Joe will soon join the ranks of Beto and Yang. He seems to think he will spring back to life in SC, but even if he does, he's gonna get crushed on Super Tuesday. Also, I wonder just how much it hurt poor Joe when O'Liar showed up in a Bloomberg ad. Ouch, baby, just ouch.
Maybe Lizzie IS Chief Dr. Lucky! The thought processes seem about the same. Apparently Stilton nuked the Chief, but you gotta admit, it was sorta funny.
Arghh! Looks like I missed a champion idjit by coming late to the party today... But Joe Biden makes an adequate runner-up!
@John the Econ: Black History month was much higher on my radar in the days when I watched broadcast and cable TV. Now that I stream ad libidum, I can skip the propaganda entirely
After his latest series of gaffs, I do believe it's time for Biff Biden to pee in the cup. I want to know which of the good stuff he's got and where I can score some.......
@John the Econ: Spot on! A great example, too, of Bernie Goldberg's thesis in his book "Bias." Press bias can be found in reporting, for sure. But that's out in the open and everyone can assimilate and agree or not. But the most damaging bias is found in what journalistic organizations CHOOSE to report and, critically, what they choose to ignore.
Black history month? What about a mixed "race" month? Or how about about a women's month? A baby's month? Maybe a veteran's month, instead of a day. Just Another celebration of entitlement and separation.
You need to be thoroughly re-educated because of that last line, Stilt.
Please report to the nearest Democratic Party Camp as soon as they are done with their Impeachment-palooza, which will most likely be when Hell freezes over.
This general political situation appears to me like a big bunch of entrenched, inside the D.C. beltway dwellers (& in it's immediate surrounds).. on both political sides.. finding themselves in a quandry as their little "private nation-of-privilege" melts away from around and under them. And folks! Major media is not going to lead you out of it. It's probably going to get more confusing & ugly before the change becomes any clearer.
Biden says much about the sort of people a one party state sends to Washington. Recall too early in the 2000's a woman running as a Republican for a Congressional seat for Delaware had to publicly deny she was a witch .
I'm waiting for the candidate who espouses the only way to prevent crime is to do away with all laws - If there's no law then there's no crime.........
It's like murder - make a thing illegal and it acquires a mystique. ) Look at arson - I mean, how many of us can honestly say that at one time or another he hasn't set fire to some great public building? I know I have. The only way to bring the crime figures down is to reduce the number of offenses - get it out in the open - I know I have.
Drudge report says Bloomberg is considering Hilary as running mate. Jeez, I thought the guy was at least a little brighter than that. He really needs to think this through.
@Rod: Would Bloomberg's suicide be scheduled for the 21st or late on the 20th of January '21?
There are still those visiting the once valued Drudge Report?
Yep. There are still things to be learned by being selective on what is said, and what is not; and the timing & the uniform reporting with same words. However, most major network TV week-night news is pretty much a total waste of time. One of my sons calls it "Six victims & a Puppy". He's not far off.
@Rod, @Dan: Maybe Mini Mike is looking at the optics; at least his chosen running mate wouldn't tower above him in the campaign posters...
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