Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Biden's Path To Victory

Joe Biden's political future is still open, much like his gaping mouth and the zipper on his pants.  But Democrats still think that it's critical that he beat Donald Trump in November, due in no small part to the Supreme Court's decision that it's perfectly okay for presidents to do absolutely anything. A situation which would almost certainly make Trump into a modern, blood-drinking, all-powerful orange Caligula.

The Supreme Court decision did not, of course, do anything remotely like that. Only idiots would think otherwise. But the Venn diagram showing "idiots" and "liberals" overlaps so much that it looks like a single circle.

Based on the Court's decision, The Huffpost has declared that Biden can now legally murder Trump, others have suggested that Joe Biden use his presidential power to fire cruise missiles into the conservative Supreme Court, and "wise Latina" Justice Sonia Sotomayor has declared that the ruling means that a president is now a "king above the law." A chilling warning that reminds us that we really shouldn't give lifetime appointments to nitwits.

With so much hysteria in the air, many Democrats are reasserting their intent to vote for Biden even if he's legally shown to have the mobility of a barnacle and the mental capacity of a sponge cake. But to accomplish this, it's critical that the public now see as little of Joe as possible to prevent further damage. A point made ever so clearly by this recently released video from the Democrat National Committee...


Mike aka Proof said...

Biden has "the mental capacity of a sponge cake."
One that's "half baked", no less!

Anonymous said...

Love that video! I’m assuming that the DNC will be running that all over lefty media this weekend…

TrickyRicky said...

I truly feel as if I am living in alternative universe, half Franz Kafka and half “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane. How anyone cannot see that our ruling class despises us and wants to dispense with us is beyond my comprehension. Why is there even a chance that one of our two major political parties will run a demented imbecile for president…a second time?

Anonymous said...

Stilt, I am just trying to keep up with the drum beat here.

What I now understand is per the Supreme Court, it's now okay for presidents to do absolutely anything, venn diagrams are now a single circle, and Biden is now a barnacle sponge cake.

Good gosh, I feel so much better! Thanks Stilt for making it so much clearer.

All the best,

HankJ said...

Welcome back, we love your insight, satire and humor.

Brie Camembert said...

"I love Venn diagrams" Kameltoe.

Patrick said...

@TrickyRicky Oh! They don’t want to DISPENSE with us! Then there’d be no one to rule! They want to destroy any resolve to oppose them, they want to eliminate any means to disgorge them from government, but they want you to work and pay taxes to fund their lavish lifestyles and programs. They want SOCIALISM because, well… you know… no one has done it RIGHT yet! And all they need is a compliant talking head to serve as “President” while others pull all the strings….

Anonymous said...

Sigh! Just when I hope my Democratic friends have plumbed the depths of lunch they start digging.

Think it through. If Trump is truly as bad as they portray he could have launched the military long before January 6th. Pelosi, Schumer, Schaffer & many more would have been let go...from the open ramp of a C130. Did anything remotely remotely resembling this happen? No? Then we've been gaslighted.

I have a suggestion. Restore the Smith-Mundt Act after the the election.

Neithan Hador said...

'the mental capacity of a sponge'
For a second there, I was offended, as a sponge clearly has more mental capacity.
Especially a sponge named bob.

But then it turned out to be cake. And cakes are routinely mentally deficient.

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

Good use of AI there, Stilt...

Elbarto said...

Big problem for Democrats is that Joe Biden has amassed a huge campaign war chest, and if he drops out federal law prohibits him from handing that money over to another candidate. They have painted themselves into a corner.

American Cowboy said...

Many may disagree with my choice. Given the current state of affairs in this country that at one time was The United States of America I will NOT be celebrating Independence Day in any way.

I will be silently apologizing to all Gold Star families I know however for the wasted lives that only put off the inevitable for a time.

Jess said...

It must be a sobering thought to realize your dreams of turning the United States into a Socialist Nirvana depend on an old man with the rationing ability of a garden vegetable. Maybe enough will be so despondent they jump from a bridge, and we don't have to waste money on rope.


Thank you for the frequent postings, it is a welcome reprieve from the nightmare we are living in now.

Lee The Voice said...

Cute song. Rush would have had a field day with it.

Colby Muenster said...

Thank you for posting, Stilton! It's good to have you going at it more often. I pray your health has improved, too.


I was completely unaware of that law. The dumbass Dems really did screw the pooch on their choice of a candidate. I don't think any of the likely replacements has the kind of financial support it would take to fund a four month national campaign against the likes of Trump, who now has yuge momentum. But.... never underestimate the ability of evil people to do evil things.

I had not thought of this before, but maybe Joe's handlers are going to stick with Joe, but replace Kamala with a more "preferred" candidate (i.e. actually coherent, charismatic, AND a good little communist). The right VP candidate, along with some good old fashioned cheating, could defeat Trump, then Joe resigns his first day of office. GOD FORBID!!!!!

Anonymous said...

If Trump should lose to this empty headed bag of dead air he should never show his face in public again. The Dunce from Deleware is discovering what happens to reprobates when they are found out. This fall has been fast and humiliating. Unfortunately he does not have the cognizance to be aware of that fact.

Elbarto said...

@ Colby Muenster

I believe that Harris may be able to legally use the money as it was donated to the Biden/Harris campaign, but it cannot be given to a candidate such as Newsom or Whitmer.

John the Econ said...

My cursory scan of media this morning (both MSM & social) revealed increasing open panic in the air. Half of it was people over Biden and looking for any alternative and the other half was people desperately looking for excuses to keep supporting him.

Remember when the left was all anxious to pull the trigger on the 25th Amendment?

And then there's the campaign money that won't be able to be transferred. But then again, what do they care about the law? They'll go ahead and spend the money however they see fit and worry about the illegalities later when it no longer matters, just like with the voting irregularities.

Meanwhile, Trump is playing this brilliantly, for a change by doing something I didn't think he was capable of: Shutting up. The media desperate for him to do or say anything to push the Biden s***show to the side and he's not cooperating. Keep it up, Trump!

Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.

Have a happier than usual 4th. Progressives HATE when we do that.

JustaJeepGuy said...

Last Friday, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the Demo_Rats because they saw just how far gone Gropey Joe is. They were ready to s#!tcan him then. Suddenly now they want him to do something that's clearly illegal--being far outside the core Constitutional duties of the office--like drone-striking all Republicans. And yet they accuse President Trump of being some kind of dictator. The Demo_Rats haven't quite yet gotten to the point of desperation of using the 22nd Amendment, but I'm sure someone in that party has though of it.

As for the socialist/commie wannabes, I always say there's only two kinds of people who want socialism: the booger-eatin' morons who think they're going to get everything for free, and the wannabe tyrants who think they're going to be in charge. The morons will find out the hard way how wrong they are, and the tyrants all think they're going to be Stalin. They won't see the real Stalin until they're being thrown into the gulag.

MSG Grumpy said...

Still, I have seen you post AI songs with your lyrics ( I rather enjoy those by the way)
I wonder if you could set this dialog from Wilder in the Monty Python "Parrot" Sketch and bring it ti Life?I think it would be Awesome...
Here is the link...(the Parrot sketch is near the end of the post)

MSG Grumpy

Dan said...

Happy Independence Day!
Celebrate our Independence this Fourth of July and vote to keep it this Autumn.

Colby Muenster said...

Finally got to watch the video. Well done, Stilton! However, she needs more piercings to really be a young Democrat. Just kidding... it was really good.

So... George Snuffleupagus is gonna "interview" Joe tomorrow. This will fix everything for the Democrats. Well, it will fix everything for the 37 people who actually watch it. I wonder if Joe is in his basement today with 16 coaches preparing him for the "interview." that is, writing out the questions for George and programming the teleprompter for Joe.

Gee M said...

In my life I noticed how something awful happens, then something unexpected happens that almost makes up for the previous disaster.
I know Trump will win 'cause of how Godawful it's been with the Lefties running wild, Biden being (choke) Gag! President ... and things will be ok if Donald gets busy with Payback - I mean Justice.
I look forward to massive head explosions the night of Trump's victory.'s ok the Supreme Court's ruling on Pres's for doing his job and something happens like collateral court issuing warrants for murder etc, like the Hague tends to do for political theater. Now we have to get these Felonies they gave him in NY overturned...