Friday, July 19, 2024

Cameltoe Hairless?

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, Lefty Lucy, Biden, Kamala Harris, Steps Down, Senile
Although not officially confirmed at the time of this writing, it sounds like Joe "I Beat Medicare" Biden is going to announce that he is stepping down from presidential candidacy, perhaps in the next day or two (if it hasn't happened already when you read this).

Subtle hints that this might happen were picked up by the same Sherlockian sleuths who miraculously deduced that Jeffrey Epstein would be on the receiving end of a faked hanging in a maximum security prison. Which is like a regular prison, only with gently sloping roofs so that criminals dare not climb them to attempt escapes. 

In this case, those paying very, very careful attention noted Biden's complete inability to express cohesive thoughts, his halting, zombie-like gait, his fascination with looking at air molecules, and the fact that Pelosi, Schiff, Obama, and the Clintons have recently been seen wearing togas and carrying knives.

On Wednesday, "Biden" tweeted that he would only consider stepping down in the event of a medical necessity.

On Thursday, "Biden" tweeted the two-word message "I'm sick."

So today, or soon, expect "Biden" to tweet "Last night I passed away in my sleep."

And wow, THIS two-year-old post certainly seems relevant again...

FROM THE VAULT - July 22, 2022  

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, kamala harris, biden, covid, succession, vice president, moron

Will you ever forget where you were and what you were doing the moment you found out that Joe Biden, alleged president of the United States, has Covid? Because I've already forgotten, no doubt because I filed the information in the ever-expanding drawer in my brain that's labeled "Who Gives A Crap."

Although that's not quite accurate with Kamala Harris lurking in the wings, only a heartbeat away from being the most idiotic dunce to ever hold high office. And in making that assessment, I'm including a lot of inbred royals over the centuries whose major accomplishments were developing hemophilia, growing webbed fingers and toes, having single-digit IQs and a thousand-yard stare, and farting in the bathtub and snapping at the bubbles while slapping their hands together and barking like a seal.

But by some madness, we may be only days away from Kamala Harris becoming President of the United States. Which raises the terrifying question of who she would choose as the new Vice President? After all, the Vice President's most important job is to make the actual President look less like a moron by comparison, and Kamala Harris was already on a list of only one who could fulfill that role for Joe "Where Am I?" Biden. So who or what could make Harris look good by comparison?

According to our inside sources, this is the short list of candidates being urgently vetted by Democrats...

And so the nation holds its breath, waiting to see if Joe Biden will recover. Although doctors assure us that there's very little chance of Mr. Biden developing "long" Covid, as he can't possibly be long for this world whatever happens.


JRMD said...

Time for serious prayer.

Mike aka Proof said...

Kamala can't even spell "Oval Office", much less occupy it. My bet's on Gavin "Ain't worth havin'" Newsom to throw her an elbow or a bone or a bony elbow before the convention is over,

Stevarooni said...

The only positive thing about Joe stepping away would have been that his frayed mind wouldn't be at the helm any more...but he's not doing that, as far as I'm aware, he's just ending his campaign for another term. He's going to remain in place until 2025.

Meanwhile, he is not expected to endorse Veep Harris as his successor, so the backstabbing and deal-making to be made between now and the virtual convention in August are going to be bloody.

My guess is that the Democrats will be orchestrating the best silence campaign they can, so that the Joetato and whoever becomes The Candidate will be nearly unheard of, and amplify every mistake and perceived mistake by Mr. Trump.

JustaJeepGuy said...

It appears to me that the Demo_Rats are finally realizing just how bad an idea it was to install Word Salad Annie as VP. I was SOOO looking forward to seeing her attempt to debate JD Vance. Now the Demo_Rats may not even let her debate President Trump.

(Yes, I'm going to call her Word Salad Annie every chance I get. Tony Joe White might object.)

She’s A Beauty said...

“…whose major accomplishments were developing hemophilia, growing webbed fingers and toes, having single-digit IQs and a thousand-yard stare, and farting in the bathtub and snapping at the bubbles while slapping their hands together and barking like a seal.”

But enough about the The View’s audience and the average MSNBC viewer…

Dan said...

For Kamala's VP I nominate Nancy Pelosi. As a present for Kamala, a kitchen knife block (empty) she can strap to her back once Nancy is VP.

Jess said...

Covid medication works wonderfully on the elderly. Just ask those folks in New York that used it on those nursing home patients. By this time Monday, Biden will be ready for a big-boy bowl of ice cream and bike riding around the reflective pool in D.C.......or not.

Oldarmourer said...

Any bets on if they're desperate enough to play the 'big mike' card ? It's now or never.
Then they can call everyone in the country 'sexist', 'racist' and 'genderist' when it doesn't poll as high as they need it to....of course they'll have to run fake poll numbers to justify the sudden masive number of pre-printed votes switching to it.

Neithan Hador said...

In about two days . . .
"That was like four, five days ago. Come on, man!"
as he forgets he is supposed to drop out of the race.

Elbarto said...

The war chest amassed by the Biden/Harris campaign can be used by Harris, but cannot be given to another campaign. Democrats have painted themselves into a corner.

TrickyRicky said...

Great blast from the past Stilton. Your powers of prediction perfectly propose likely outcomes. A Nostradamus for our age. One of these days when I don't have any pressing tasks I may just have to graze the pages of Hope n' Change to mine nuggets such as this.

@ JustaJeepGuy- Brilliant! I'm sure Tony Joe White approves. I am SO stealing that line.

John the Econ said...

Oh Lucy, we've missed you.

COVID becomes useful again to Democrats. Last time, it was the excuse to sequester the already clearly diminishing Biden to the basement for 5 months to hide the fact. Biden probably assumed that would be the strategy again.

Yes, it has to be Kamala for several reasons:

1) The Democrat's bench is that bad. I was under the impression that in 2020, Joe Biden was supposed to be the "placeholder" president to return the country to "normalcy" after the supposed disaster of Trump. Part of that plan should have been building a viable bench of credible, electable Democrat leaders. That clearly didn't happen.

2) She will inherit the Biden campaign cash raised to date controversy-free. Any other campaign will be starting from scratch.

3) The Democrats have boxed themselves in with DEI. In order to save what’s left of their intersectional voters, they’ll need to nominate someone who fills at least 2 or more boxes. Dumping Kamala will just accelerate the blexit. Sorry, Gavin. Straight white males need not apply.

4) Forget Hillary. She’s no more lovable than she was 8 years ago.

5) Forget Michelle. She’s no more lovable than she was 8 years ago. Plus, she’s already living the easy life. She doesn’t want the work.

6) Forget any scheme involving Barack. He’s no idiot and knows that whoever wins will have to deal with his legacy, which was already a s***show when he left office. Besides, he's more powerful now in the background pulling the strings.

Snark said...

Apparently Lucy is under the impression that Kamela has a vagina. I think that she is a singular, puckered orifice.

The demonrats expected that the country would not see through their blatantly obvious lawfare and then reject PDJT. They must think that MSDNC and CNN are actually news outlets. (I do know a few people that watch that dribble. I marvel that they can manage to feed themselves.)
They have relied on fooling everyone all of the time. As has been noted, you can fool some of the people all the time. These people are known as "democrats". You can fool all of the people some of the time. But time runs out, just as this election season is quickly running out on the traitor marxists running the DNC.

PDJT has demonstrated that he is certainly the roadrunner to the marxists' Wiley Coyote. PDJT (and the country)literally dodged the bullet. Truly God was looking out for him. Resident Brandon is looking up as the anvil falls.

Hopefully God will look out for us.

However, hope is not sufficient. We must work to earn our reward so do whatever you can to help the national, state and local conservative candidates win this November. Donate, volunteer and pray. It's really amazing how "lucky" we can be if we work hard for it.


MAJ Arkay said...

The problem with withdrawing from the race due to being brain dead is that it should also trigger the 25th Amendment. If one isn't competent to run, one certainly isn't competent to occupy the position. That's why I do not believe he will withdraw.

Mike Porter said...

'YIKES!' is the expression that has been popping into my mind since 2020... and yes, my cranial caps-lock key seems to be stuck that way lately. Regardless, nothing screams 'American defiance' like this response from Stephen Green to the Joe Biden "I'm sick" tweet: "I know. You showered with your daughter." You can almost see the raised fist in that.

Anyhoo, that CrowdStrike 'SNAFU' last night/today causing some critical infrastructure outages seems a bit odd. Weren't these folks involved with the creation of that Steele Dossier? Nothing to worry about... they seem nice.

TrickyRicky said...

Well said. No time for complacency, pedal to the metal!

Shelly said...

Not so fast. The last I'm hearing (as of 1PM today) is Joe is hanging on and plans to be back on the campaign trail next week. Personally, I don't think Gavin the Slick or other so-called prominent Democrats want to expend political capital on this year's train wreck. I believe they want to wait it out until 2028 when they think they'll be swept in. It would also assure getting rid of Kamala while the getting's good. In my opinion, the person holding all the power is Jill Biden. It's up to her to decide what Joe does or doesn't do and from all accounts, she loves her political sway and the good life in the White House. Which rings true because she pushed her husband to run for President what, four times, the last time knowing he was impaired and is still pushing him for a second term despite his rapid deterioration. She can stick it to Schumer, Pelosi and Obama. And that's the best possible outcome.

Rod said...

These days we just never know. It's none of my business but I'm a little comforted to hear that Lefty Lucy has a V.

Erik said...

Thnking about making a meme for Kamala. Using a Venn diagram (which she loves) with three circles. The area of overlap of all three will just say "Kamala Harris". Outside the diagram will either be a drawing or a picture of Kamala looking at the diagram with a heart nearby indicating that she loves it. Unless better suggestions can be found here, I am thinking the three circles should be:

1. Capable of legally spending the donations already given to the Biden campaign
2. Stupid enough to just follow orders from the real shadow government (wording seems clumsy here)
3. Satisfies DEI checkboxes of brown skin and female genitalia (so far as we know).

Any suggestions as to wording or complete replacement of the contents of the circles?


JustaJeepGuy said...

@Erik, they don't need to be circles. If you had an old Spirograph, you could make any number of overlapping bubbles to contain Word Salad Annie's descriptors. You could show how her intelligence compares unfavorably to a sack of hammers and/or a box of rocks, along with her other failings.

A bowl of Scrabble tiles could pictorially show a statement from her.

Rod said...

Be sure to include a loop about her shameful treatment of SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh in Senate hearing. It was shameful, disgusting and all-telling.

mamafrog said...

No, Joy Behar does not have a better IQ than Krazy Kamala, lol. I'm not sure she's even above the blob fish. In fact given the choice I would actually pick Kamala over her! And I would bet on Pickled Pelosi or Carrier Clinton for her veep. All of which gives me nightmares. Joe's family will keep him propped up and moving as long as they can reasonably make a buck off him, those bad habits are expensive you know. They have a bunker to furnish too.

Oldarmourer said...

I'm pretty sure the radio traffic was close to this...
I've heard about the same thing from managers in the past:
"are you sure?"
If I wasn't sure I wouldn't have called in until I was
"are you sure you're sure"
"are you sure it's not something else"
etc. until they grudgignly agreee to do their job, send more Officers to check and we narrowly avoid a disaster.

The clips below isn't even from the US.
As usual, everyone can see what happened except the US media...

DeeKayT said...

I could be way off base but my thought is this:
Anyone who might have a chance at this late a date doesn’t want to take the risk of running. Trump is so far ahead it scares them. And losers usually don’t run again. (Romney excepted … losers usually lose again — he did) With that said I believe they retire Biden (one way or another) and let Harris take the fall. She’s a dope anyway and no one wants her. They figure they can weather 4 years of Trump while grooming the next wonder boy for the 28 run. Just my thoughts.

Oldarmourer said...

Quite a viable take on it, the socialsts play the long game and use minor setbacks, like losing an election, to let their ground troops aka 'teachers', 'social workers' and 'journalists' indoctrinate another generation to their cause and reinforce their positions behind the scenes.
My sincere hope is that Trump down there and Poilivere up here use their terms in office to clean out the swamps.
Start by firing everything at the managerial levels that get a 'bonus' for doing their jobs, all of the assistant associate assistant deputy ministers in every single department but particularly the Defence, Finance, Immigration, Security and Health departments; as well as any that oversee any aspect of elections and introduce a policy that if a media outlet is caught spreading any falsehoods to the public that they won't 'correct in larger type' than they made them, they lose their broadcast licences on the spot.
Promotions and appointments to be made strictly and solely on qualifications related to the job to be done and proven ability to do it and face immediate termination without severance or pension if found to be covering up any actions in any way or attempting to craft legislation that benefits anyone other than the citizenry.
'Government' is supposed to be by the people, for the people, to aid the people; not what it's devolved into the past hundred years or so.

Colby Muenster said...

Thanks for posting, Stilton! Your talent is much valued here at Muenster Manor. So many great comments here, too!

I think DeeKay T nailed it. All the little socialist wannabes are gonna shy away from what will surely be a train wreck for the Dems. They know Trump is on a roll and will likely win, so why risk political failure. Plus, it seems Joe is not gonna cave. In his addled brain, he probably thinks he's gonna be president again.

My question is this. If Joe actually does call it quits, will he resign, or will he only withdraw as the Dem candidate? I don't think he will resign.

@Mike AKA Proof,

I think she spells it oval orifice.


It is my fervent prayer that Trump will issue pink slips at an unprecedented pace on his first week in office. ALL federal agencies are rife with corruption at the highest levels and need a good, thorough house cleaning.

There are good, patriotic Americans in the FBI, CIA and USSS, but the leadership is rotten to the core. The Department of Energy was founded to promote energy development, but now they are doing just the opposite. The Department of Education has turned into a purveyor of DEI and a branch of the teacher's union. IMHO, there should only be one government agency that protects our country and its citizens. Isn't that the prime function of the federal government per the Constitution? Everything else should be left to the states. I guess this would be the DOD, but they are also now corrupt. Pink slips all 'round!

Rant over...

Colby Muenster said...

Oh! ...and Trey Gowdy for Attorney General!

Oldarmourer said...

There isn't much to choose from at the intermediate levels but there should be enough to do the job properly and competently.
'bama fired over 100 Generals so he could put his sycophants in their places, the results are evident today.
Trump needs to dismiss another 100+ Generals and replace them with Officers who have proven loyalty to the country, not a political party, and repeat that in every other department.
He should just set up a bigscreen TV in the Oval Office with a clip of him on his Apprentice show saying "Youre FIRED" at the push of a button, then march everyone in an executive level position in and let them see whether or not they are :)

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Reader- Aaaand it's official: BIDEN IS OUT. He'll no longer run, but he'll complete his term despite clear senile dementia. And that should give all of us a warm feeling, right? It will be interesting to see if the public actually figures out that Joe has been non compos mentis for a long time but the White House and media were lying about it until he was exposed in the debate. That should anger Democrats, who have been played for fools. But, being fools, they probably won't give it a thought.

So now comes the replacement game. I agree that no Democrat with ambitions for the future is going to want to take the job of being trounced by Trump and blamed for him getting a second term. So the Dems are likely stuck with Kamala and, per my post, they'll have to find a VP candidate who somehow makes Kamala look good. I'm thinking...Kim Cheatle. She's seemingly dumb enough, and Dems should love her for almost beating Trump.

Oldarmourer said...

So now we see how the media tries to spin it that someone incapable of running in an election will be found more than capable of running a country…he should be stepping down immediately.
Personally I think they’re afraid of just how badly kameltoe would fuck things up between now and November, especially with Russia claiming today that they’re going to shoot down US Aircraft over international, or worse, over US airspace…
Sarah Palin did NOT say that she could “see Russia from my backyard”.
That was an alleged comedienne that the media pushes as Sarah’s quote, but it was still an accurate one…there is less than four miles between Russia and Alaska, and you can stand on US soil and easily see Russia.
The real story is that they don’t want killary as VP just yet…anytime either one of them mentions Israel, Russia or anywhere else in a debate or elsewhere will just let Trump or Vance use the opportunity to remind the people about Benghazi 🙂

Rod said...

Fair questions & I really am curious: open to accurate & factual response. I've not paid her much attention as VP.

After 3 years 6 months in office as VP, serving under an elderly & feeble POTUS; What exactly has been taught, trained, learned?  What assignments made & actually attempted?   With whom & about what has Harris successfully worked internationally?   What beneficial accomplishments have been achieved by Harris to prepare her for the Presidency?

There may be somethings of substance; but I'm not aware of anything.

Fish Out of Water said...

Can't wait to see what Stilton has in store for tomorrow, given the new today....

Erik said...

@JustAJeepGuy, @Rod - Thanks for the feedback! I had a Spirograph when I was a kid. I don't know if the folks kept it when they moved from the city to the sticks. I stayed with 3 circles because that's how many Kamala thinks Venn Diagrams have, and also because if you present too much information the figure changes from a meme to an infographic. I re-post a lot of the memes I get from Granite Grok to a chat stream with limited pixels per post. I hate it when the small size makes some information-dense "memes" unreadable. If the reader cannot absorb the information quickly, it's an infographic, not a meme.

I simplified the points and repointed the insult to Obama, where it belongs:

1. Friends With Puppetmaster Obama
2. Can Spend Money Raised For Biden
3. Checks DEI Boxes For Race and Gender

And I added a picture of Kamala looking up at the diagram with many hearts around her head.

Again, thanks for the input!


Oldarmourer said...

The fun part is that it came via letter...he might not even know he's resigned yet ;)
he still won't make it to Nov, and I wager there'll be a State funeral by this time next week.
'Ol joey simply knows where too many skeletons are buried and he's vindictive enough to say where they are

Oldarmourer said...

In a particularly poignant coincidence..maybe ?
Today was National Ice Cream Day...
Maybe they bought the dip out with a dipped waffle cone so the waffler could take the loss.

JustaJeepGuy said...

@Erik said, "I stayed with 3 circles because that's how many Kamala thinks Venn Diagrams have..."

Excellent point, @Erik! Your depiction sounds pretty appropriate!