Monday, December 23, 2024

Hip-py Holidays

My stocking stuffer came early this year; hip replacement surgery on November 26th and, remarkably, I'm already more ambulatory than I was prior to the operation. I'm walking without crutches, walker, or cane and I'm loving it.

The surgery itself was handled as an outpatient procedure with me being discharged the same day. Of course, maybe they just wanted me out of the hospital; when I was still in recovery, Daughter Jarlsberg overheard some nurses saying that I was "very, very delirious." I have no recollection but it's entirely possible that they were just confused by my puckish sense of humor combined with the fact that I didn't have my hearing aids in and so responded to every question with the dazed confusion of Joe Biden on a debate stage.

At almost a month out from the surgery, I still have significant pain in my left leg. Not the hip itself, but the front of my thigh which is apparently very common and can last for up to a year (gulp). Still, it's manageable and a big improvement over the pain I was experiencing in the days leading up to the hip replacement.

In the past several weeks I've been getting physical therapy and, when the pain reaches a certain level, revealing troop movements. But this is a critical period if I want everything to heal right, so I'm doing my exercises even during the Christmas hiatus.

And speaking of Christmas, here's the very old cartoon done by my father that inspired the graphic above. As you can see, he was very, very delirious too.


• The Wall Street Journal did an in-depth story detailing the fact that insiders knew that Joe Biden was mentally incompetent from his first day in office and that a cadre of unknown, unelected entities have been running the country (into the ground) for the past four years. It's likely that Biden wasn't involved in the disastrous decision to beat a chaotic retreat out of Afghanistan leaving dead Americans and billions of dollars of military equipment for the bad guys. So who's to blame? How about the White House insiders, the Democrat party bosses, and the complicit media that lied to us for four years about Biden's mental acuity. By rights, when future history books list American presidents, Joe Biden's name shouldn't be in there. Just an asterisk and the word "Unknown."

• One thing for sure is that Kamala Harris wasn't involved in any decision-making owing to the fact that she's always been a witless, cackling boob. So it makes perfect sense that she's just gotten a $20 million book deal to expound upon whatever the hell she did for the time leading up to her laughable run for the White House. The working title of the upcoming opus is "Venn Diagrams, Yellow School Buses, and Joy: America Unburdened by Kamala Harris," although the book may be hard to find now that all of the "Big Lots" stores are closing.

• Also vaguely in the news, mystery drones continue to swarm over New Jersey and various military installations. The official position of the government is "they're not ours, we have no idea what they're up to, but they might not be a national security threat so we don't care. Hey, look over there! Bird flu!" 

• Finally, let me wish all of you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, or a non-denominational "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men." Your friendship and support are gifts I appreciate all year long.

Even Santa can't fill stockings as nicely


Julian Harper said...

I have to say that when I saw the leg hanging by the fireside, I wanted to say, "Fra-JEE-lay! Must be Italian!" if you remember that. But glad to hear of your progress and determination. May I most humbly suggest, though, that you still carry a cane, even as a stylish accessory, just to be sure there are no stumbles or less perfect balancing micromoments >? Anyway, a blessed Christmas to you, your great daughter and all those whom you love.

Dan said...

Good to hear you're getting around. Now just challenge the neighborhood kiddies to hop-scotch marathon.
Oh, and Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and yours, plus all the Stilton and Johnny readers.

Mike aka Proof said...

Glad to hear you're healing. Finally, something good came out during the Bien administration!

Anonymous said...

A very Merry and Happy Christmas Stilt, and for your daughter as well. You brighten my day each and every time I read your blog. I just wish you wrote them more often! May the good Lord bless you abundantly…

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

What everyone else said! Happy Chrismukkwanza!!! :D

J. David Boyd said...

Excellent news on your recovery, you're perseverance through the vicissitudes of life is an inspiration to all of us.
I second the cane - not only for balance, but in case you need to deliver a righteous beatdown to someone!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and may only good things happen to you in our new year!

Kent Whitehead said...

Glad you're feeling better! Take it slow, leave the Thighmaster in the drawer and no "Ministry of Silly Walks" stuff. We need you healthy... for our mental health.

Fish Out of Water said...

Good news your are on the mend. Keep it up for I am certain we'll need your wit and insights after 01/20/2025!

Oldarmourer said...

Good to hear and remember, nobody needs an excuse or a permit to carry a cane, a nice stout blackthorn with a heavy knob on the end just the right size for a shillelagh shellackin' ;)

Bob said...

Glad to hear you’re doing better and still kicking around. I look forward to these missives of yours, especially since for the past two years my wife and I have been dealing with her melanoma. You’re a breath of fresh air in this media-driven world of lies and drivel. Thanks for keeping up the fight against media mendacity. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ₯ƒ

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Mr. Stilson. I'm glad to hear your leg is feeling better and you are up and about with less pain. A good start to a new year !

Neighbor Dave said...

Merry Christmas Stilt!! Thanks for all your deliriousness, may it continue for years on end.😁

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

TrickyRicky said...

So glad to hear that the troublesome hip is being whipped into shape. And, speaking of a nice shape, how about that Busty?
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Faith Davis said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope 2025 finds you (and our country) feeling better. But I do appreciate your emails so maybe "better" finds humorous comments by you.

Elbarto said...

Merry Christmas to all!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear you doing "well" after the replacement. So far I haven't need hips but knees are a different story but they won't do them as I am on O2 24/7. So far so good with Valtraren. Merry Crhristmas to you Daugher and all on here.

Anonymous said...

Try this again. Merry Christmas to you and your Daughter and all on here!

Alej said...

" . . .insiders knew that Joe Biden was mentally incompetent from his first day in office and that a cadre of unknown, unelected entities have been running the country (into the ground) for the past four years. "

I well remember Bill Clinton being quoted not long after being inaugurated that, " There's a government within government, and I can't control that."

Kelly from WI said...

Merry Christmas to you, your daughter and fellow readers. Great news on your surgery. Continued positive recovery. Happy New Year to All !

Anonymous said...

If I don't post as often as I once did, I never miss your latest post--but this one seems special, both for the Holiday and some personal GOOD NEWS that you've long deserved.

The defeat of Ms. Harris was not only a victory for our country, but could represent up to four years of recovery for society itself. A victory for her would have meant Mr. Obama's FOURTH term as President, and that might have been completely fatal.

Echoing every good thought already expressed (definitely including all references to the amazing Ms. Ross), allow me to add the only words that need finally to be said: "God Bless Us, Everyone!"


Shelly said...

I'm so happy you have a shiny new hip for Christmas. Nancy Pelosi got one also as she was dumb enough to walk down a slick marble staircase in stiletto heels at age 84. I have to say it's been nice not having to listen to her during the crazy CR negotiations. Have a great Christmas with your daughter and keep up the good work on your PT. As obnoxious as it is, it really does help.

Daddy Dave said...

All the best and cheers for the holidays!

Daddy Dave said...

Somehow the first part of my comment disappeared ... Congratulations on your recovery! You are in the 50% of my non-scientific survey of friends who have had successful hip/knee replacement surgeries that are happy with the results. As an aside, when I scrolled down to the Busty Ross graphic, I thought sure It was part of a Coca Cola holiday ad campaign! Merry Christmas!

Bobo the Hobo said...

Delighted to read your ambulation is improving.

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukkah, Joyeux NΓΆel, Buona Natale, Felix Navidad, Good Kwanza, and a grievance-free Festivus. And to all, a good night.

God Bless us, everyone!

Stevarooni said...

Merry Christmas, and happy mobility!

JRMD said...

Glad to hear that you are improving. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Kathe Houston said...

Hi Stilton and Merry Christmas etc. I'm glad you got thru the hip replacement and always in my prayers.
Love to you always!

JustaJeepGuy said...

I've been wondering for the last 4-1/2 years who ever believed that Gropey Joe was anything but a dementia-ridden puppet. Nobody who had daily contact with him could possibly have thought he was in charge of anything, and yet none of them had the cojones to spill the beans--until it finally became safe, after Word Salad Annie lost the election. So now the question is, who is it passing out pardons like candy?

We're all quite glad to read that your Christmas hip is working out so well, @Stilt. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, one and all!

DougM said...

Glad to know you're back at it.
Cool Monty Python theme on the intro pic

The Inukshuk said...

Merry Christmas Mr. Cheese. I am glad you are on the mend. Sometimes overcoming the physical pain helps with the mental pain. May God bless you.

Beverly W Schmidt said...

I am pleased you are healing well. Thanks for filling my inbox with your humorous and spot-on posts.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are coming along with your recovery. Mostly though I just wanted to wish you and your daughter a Merry Christmas!

Colby Muenster said...

That is great news about the hip! Praying for continual healing soon, so you CAN do the silly walk.

For some reason, I doubt there was a very large cadre of influencers behind Joe's curtain. More like Obammy and Pelosi. May they rapidly fade into the background never to be heard from again! Hopefully Trump is a bit more savvy about the inner workings of the swamp this time around. Happy Christmas to all!

JustaJeepGuy said...

It looks like all the deep state denizens are doing their level best to ruin as much as possible of the country as they can before President Trump can take over again. Insane pardons, implanting deep state operatives in positions of power, making Syria into a worse hellhole than it was 4 years ago, etc. Anything that We, The People want is to be destroyed. If there were any justice in this life they would all hang for treason and we would get front-row seats for that.

Neighbor Dave said...

Enjoying Manhole Steamrising as I type. Thanks for that old Christmas present.

John the Econ said...

Merry Christmas all! Glad you're doing well, @Stilton.

Biden, Everybody knew: Biden's slippage should have been obvious well before he was the nominee. I recall listening to an interview of him on "The View", as friendly a venue as he was likely to ever get, and for everything they asked him, they had to push him over the finish line because it was obvious he wasn't getting there on his own. Democrats didn't care, because the rest of the primary nominees on the field were scoring even worse and they didn't want a repeat of the disaster that was Hillary. All the party needed was an electable puppet, and Biden was their best available option. So, of course everyone knew. We knew.

The only question is: Why do any of these people who perpetuated this transparent lie get to keep their credibility, much less their jobs?

This also goes for the 51 "intelligence experts" who told us that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. Here's to hoping that one of Trump's first acts in office is revoking their security clearances. We don't know who all those people are really working for, but it's obviously not for us.

Kamala: Same as Biden, except just genuine idiocy instead of senility.

Drones: Sure got Biden's various antics off the top of the front page, especially the "pardon" issue. Biden's Administration didn't get at all excited over the Chinese spy balloon, so why should they get all excited about these?

Back at ya, Busty!

Oldarmourer said...

One can only hope that on Jan 20th, Trump decides that he can't run for re-election again and says "you know, I've had just about enough of this bullshit" and goes scorched earth on the swamp. They'll pull every trick in the book, they've already proven assassination isn't beyond them as far back as the 60's and maybe before, and half of his own party might openly rebel but that only exposes the ones needing primaried in a couple of years to the light of day and the eyes of the people. The rot has to be excised completely before it can be patched up.

Boligat said...

Concerning your new hip, your caring daughter and Busty, I concur with everyone else. As for the state of the state, well, Trump has an uphill battle, but if the swamp can be cleaned at all, he will do it. It's amazing how many people haven't realized that he isn't president yet but they are complaining already that he hasn't done what he said he would. Anyway, there is much to do, but the very first thing Trump needs to do is pardon the J6ers. The next thing he needs to do is revoke the security clearances of EVERYONE in the current administration, the 51 intel guys involved with Hunter's laptop, and anyone else that has been using their clearances for lobbying or anything else like that.

Linda McWilliams said...

I'm so glad your surgery went well. Happy New Year, Stilton!

Oldarmourer said...

I've speculated before that they'd find a way to put Trump's Inauguration festivities on hold due to a State funeral but as usual somebody didn't get the memo and jumped the gun. Funny too since his name keeps popping up in the news lately with his giving away of the Panama Canal and some other major missteps. Oh well, they say if you can't say anything nice about the deceased don't say anyth....

JustaJeepGuy said...

Giving away the Panama Canal was bad enough; "selling" it for $1.00 was a massive insult to everyone who died building it. I've read a few posts here and there about how people think Jimmuh was a doofus but he was a decent American. I'm not inclined to give him much credit because of the Canal fiasco. He was supposedly so happy to vote for Word Salad Annie this year but from the photos I saw, he himself couldn't possibly have actually cast a vote. He's been out of it for a looooooong time.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Stilt,
I just have to ask. Just exactly who is Busty? Are the images stock? Did you arrange for her to model just for you? Is she an AI creation? Spill it!

I remember seeing an image from a few years ago purportedly showing Busty at the poolside, but who knows these days. She's probably fake as perfection is hard to replicate.

Oldarmourer said...

They need to get a New York jury on that...if Trump can be charged for not declaring the value an unqualifed judge assigns to his real estate years later after the mortgage has been repaid, then voiding the 'I'll buy that for a dollar' scam should be easy.

JustaJeepGuy said...

She's real, and she's spectacular!

Fish Out of Water said...

First, I wonder what Left Lucy would look like in Busty's Xmas outfit? Second as we are on the cusp of another Morning in America, this article might be of note:

Pete Detroit said...

Allow me to come in, congrats on the healing and new hip!
Merry Happies to all, SO looking forward to the next four years!

Pete Detroit said...

CHIME in, damn you auto corrupt!!

John the Econ said...

Busty is whoever our imaginations need her to be. For me, everything that is good and right with America.

@Oldarmourer, probably the biggest non-crime ever. The supposed "victim" was cool with the deal and got their money back plus interest. Under the standards applied to Trump, probably 80% of all real estate deals that go according to contract could be actionable. I was always amused when I saw Progressive friends in real estate comment on Trump's guilt, ironically unaware that half of them were probably responsible for the same by that standard.

Real estate where I live has been nuts since COVID. For awhile, people were buying houses literally sight-unseen over FOMO. If someone were to ask me what my house was worth at any moment, the window of possibility could literally be hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. By picking any number in that window could I too be a criminal if some judge says so even if a bank willing to lend me money concurred?

@Fish Out of Water, and even with all that help by the media, Biden lost anyway.

Fish Out of Water said...

This too as we await 01/20 and salvation:

Oldarmourer said...

I sold real estate for a few years and around here professional appraisers always start the process with some questions, like "how much do you need it to be worth ?" and the banks get a portiion from their fees so if you want a mortgage on an empty lot you have to pay for a $900 appraisal, or to extend the mortgage you already have that they should know what it was worth when you bought it.

Colby Muenster said...

Stilton, How's about an update? Purdy please!

Colby Muenster said...

I don't remember details, but Stilton revealed Busty's real name a few years ago, and posted a photo or two with her wearing something different. Seems I remember she is a professional model.

JustaJeepGuy said...

@John the Econ, Gropey Joe is now saying he could have beaten Trump if he had stayed in the race. If that's so Joe, why did you so quickly drop out when Nanski Peloski and Barack Hussein put a little pressure on you? Without the magical missing 15 million voters from 2020, it would have been wonderful to see Gropey Joe get crushed like Word Salad Annie did.

John the Econ said...

Joe couldn't tell you the year. (All documented in the Hur report that basically said that he was guilty of worse of what Trump was prosecuted for, but unworthy of trial because on the stand he'd be a pathetic, incompetent old fool)

Every day as he declines, he will find it more difficult to differentiate between reality and the fantasy he's imagined for himself.

JustaJeepGuy said...

The Demo_Rats still have 11 days (well, now it's 10-1/2 days) to pull the 22nd Amendment out of their bag of dirty tricks to try to keep President Trump out of the White House...even though Word Salad Annie certified the election results Monday. I'll never trust the Demo_Rats!

Brie Camembert said...

Hey Doc, you appear to be MIA. I trust that you are still alive and kicking. It would be a disaster for all of us (not least you) if you had sloughed off this mortal coil just when the MAGA times are here.
All best wishes for The Year of the Donald!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, is he gone just like that! It’s January 19. No news from Stilton.

Alfonso Bedoya said...

Glad to see you back, Stilt. After hearing about your hip problem, I will never again bitch about my sciatica that is usually handled by gobbling a Tylenol.

Tunnel Dweller said...

From now on the TSA X-ray photo will show a pretty red square over your hip.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Stilt, you were greatly missed by all! I had both hips replaced so I can assure you that you will get back to normal...just be sure to do your therapy and avoid falling in the meantime! Sure glad to see Pres. Trump back in command, the invisible underground government with Sleepy Joe reportedly at the helm did a lot of damage to our USA.