Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Getting Gamey

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, stormy daniels, mushroom, trump, game show, brett kavanaugh

And in the interest of fair play...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, stormy daniels, mushroom, trump, game show, brett kavanaugh
An oldie but a goody. The gag, not Stormy.
We live in confusing times. The Left is currently trying to destroy Brett Kavanaugh by painting him as a wannabee rapist (and potential murderer) for perhaps inappropriately touching a girl at a party when they were both in their teens. Which he denies categorically, and we believe him.

But still, in order to be seen as anything but troglodyte sexist pigs, we're supposed to accept the idea that every woman is a gentle flower whose life can be ruined and psyche shattered by an unwanted physical advance. Fine.

But how are we supposed to square that notion in comparison to what the Left's current moral champion, Stormy Daniels, is saying in her new, soon-to-be-discounted book? Referring to her alleged tryst with Donald Trump, she says "I lay there, annoyed that I was getting f*cked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a dick like the mushroom character in Mario Kart." Yikes. No gentle flower, she. Yet despite this horrible experience, she hasn't subsequently shown signs of PTSD or the need for counseling.

Our point is that people - yes, even women - have entirely subjective reactions to things which occur in their lives. Reactions which can be radically different even in similar circumstances. And it is these subjective, emotional reactions which often become memories even more than the actual events which inspired them.

Which is why, in the absence of any evidence of wrongdoing, it would be a crime to deny Brett Kavanaugh his seat on the Supreme Court. Where he can safeguard the Constitution which states, however sadly, that it is not a crime for Stormy Daniels to write a sleazy book.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Blown Away

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, hurricane, florence, weather channel, fake news, trump, MSNBC
Liberal media is pretty much the definition of "an ill wind that totally blows."
By now, everyone has seen the infamous bit of video footage in which a Weather Channel reporter struggles to stay on his feet while braving the apocalyptic winds of Hurricane Florence, unaware that two guys casually strolling by in the background completely reveal the on-air (no pun intended) fakery.

It's pretty funny until one thinks about what a perfect visual metaphor it is for the way every news story seems to be reported these days. Everything is an emergency and looming disaster. Everything is a grave risk to our freedoms and our way of life. And everything depends on paying very, very close attention to the hyperventilating talking heads rather than what we can see with our own eyes in the background.

Every news outlet is guilty of this theatrical charade (yes, even Fox News) although no one can beat the Lefties for sheer hysteria and generating their own gale force winds. Is it merely a coincidence that the longtime slogan of MSNBC was "Leaning Forward?" We think not.  And frankly, Hurricane Donald isn't really helping the situation any.

Stilton's Place would like to see the journalistic histrionics turned way the heck down (tranquilizer darts are not out of the question) to decrease the dangerous and deliberate agitation currently polarizing our country.

Trust us, news media, when we say that contrary to Bob Dylan's admonition, the answer is not blowin' in the wind.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Taking A Week Off

We're taking this week off to attend to some necessary chores. Nothing's wrong, but there's just way too much to do. Besides, thanks to idiots like Cory Booker, the news is already pretty hilarious without our needing to add anything to it!

As always, the comment section will be open and we'll jump in if we get the chance. See you here on Monday the 17th!


We don't normally publish material from other sources, but this was just way too funny not to share. Brilliant!